name intercalated_duct_of_salivary_gland namespace parent part_of_serous_gland nameEnglishSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] The minute ducts of glands, such as the salivary and the pancreas, that lead from the acini; they are line by low cuboidal cells ACC [] cy0034207 label [de] zwischengeschalteter Gang der Speicheldrüsen label [en] intercalated duct of salivary gland organNo [] 20426 nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [de] Schaltstück; bei serösen Drüsen an das Endstück anschließendes, von niedrigem Epithel ausgekleidetes Röhrchen, welches das Sekret in die intralobulären Ausführungsgänge leitet annotationRemark [] label [med] Ductus intercalare glandulae salivaria nameGermanSynonym [] hasCell cell_of_salivary_gland_mucous isPartOf excretory_duct_system_of_salivary_gland isPartOf adult hasCell cell_of_salivary_gland_serous hasCell duct_cell_of_seminal_vesicleprostata_gland_etc isPartOf serous_gland