name ischial_tuberosity namespace parent part_of_bone_of_pelvis label [en] ischial tuberosity label [med] Tuber ischiadicum ACC [] cy0036209 organNo [] 21471 comment [de] befindet sich an der unteren Außenseite des Corpus ossis ischii am Übergang in den Ramus und unterhalb der Incisura ischiadica minor nameGermanSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] nameMedicineSynonym [] Tuber ischiale speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] label [de] Sitzbeinhöcker comment [en] A bony swelling on the posterior part of the superior ramus of the ischium that gives attachment to various muscles and bears the weight of the body in sitting isPartOf ramus_of_ischium isPartOf os_coxae