name ischiorectal_fossa namespace parent fossa ACC [] cy0036221 speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] ischioanal fossa, ischio-anal fossa nameMedicineSynonym [] Fossa ischioanalis comment [de] tiefe, von Fettgewebe ausgefüllte Grube beidseits zwischen innerer Faszie des Musculus obturator internus und der äußeren des Musculus levator ani (Beckenzwerchfell), wird von Schamgefäßen und Nervus pudendus durchzogen label [med] Fossa ischiorectalis comment [en] A wedge-shaped space with its base toward the perineum and lying between the tuberosity of the ischium and the obturator internus muscle laterally and the external anal sphincter and the levator ani muscle medially label [en] ischiorectal fossa organNo [] 21465 hasPart pudendal_canal locationOf adipose_body_of_ischiorectal_fossa locationOf internal_pudendal_artery isPartOf perineum formedBy levator_ani_muscle locationOf inferior_rectal_veins formedBy glutaeus_maximus_muscle formedBy skin locationOf internal_pudendal_vein formedBy ischial_tuberosity formedBy obturator_internus_muscle locationOf pudendal_nerve formedBy superficial_perineal_fascia formedBy sacrotuberal_ligament locationOf inferior_rectal_artery formedBy inferior_fascia_of_pelvic_diaphragm_of_pelvic_fascia formedBy sphincter_ani_externus_muscle_of_large_intestine locationOf pudendal_canal locationOf inferior_rectal_plexus