name jejunum namespace parent part_of_small_intestine comment [en] The portion of the small intestine between the end of the duodenum and the ileum; about 8 feet in length, it is distinct from the ileum in being more proximal, of larger diameter with a thicker wall, having largely, more highly developed plicae circulares, being more vasculer with the jejunal arteries forming fewer tiers of arterial arcades and longer vasa recti label [de] Leerdarm annotationRemark [] nameEnglishSynonym [] nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 724 label [en] jejunum label [med] Jejunum nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [de] Teil des Dünndarms, der an den Zwölffingerdarm anschließt mit hohen Kerckring-Falten, Lieberkühn-Krypten und schlanken Zotten speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0036266 isPartOf adult isPartOf small_intestine hasCell basal_granular_cell differentiatedFrom midgut isSuppliedBy jejunal_arteries hasCell beaker_cell