name left_atrium namespace parent atrium_of_heart child wall_of_left_ventricle label [en] left atrium of heart nameMedicineSynonym [] Atrium cordis sinistrum comment [en] Atrium of the left side of the heart which receives the blood from the pulmonary veins organNo [] 126 label [med] Atrium sinistrum ACC [] cy0052262 speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] der linken Herzkammer vorgeschalteter Vorhof label [de] linker Herzvorhof nameEnglishSynonym [] atrium pulmonale hasPart openings_of_pulmonary_veins isSuppliedBy atrial_branches_of_left_coronary_artery hasPart pectinate_muscles_of_left_atrium isPartOf drainsInto left_ventricle hasPart left_cardiac_auricle hasPart valve_of_foramen_ovale hasPart left_vena_cava_fold isFedBy pulmonary_veins