name lesser_palatine_nerves namespace parent cranial_nerve nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [en] Usually two, these nerves emerge through the lesser palatine foramina and supply the mucosa and glands of the soft palate and uvula; they are branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion and contain postsynaptic parasympathetic and sensory fibers of the maxillary nerve speciesNo [] 86 label [en] lesser palatine nerves label [med] Nervi palatini minores comment [de] Ursprung: Nervus maxillaris; für Schleimhaut von Gaumen, Gaumenbögen, Gaumenmandeln, Gaumenzäpfchen; angeschlossen parasympathische Fasern für Gaumendrüsen. nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 20610 label [de] kleine Gaumennerven nameEnglishSynonym [] annotationRemark [] ACC [] cy0046929 hasOriginIn maxillary_nerve locatedIn lesser_palatine_foramina hasPart tonsillar_branches_of_lesser_palatine_nerves isPartOf cranial_nerve isPartOf