name lesser_petrosal_nerve_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve namespace parent part_of_parasympathetic_nerve_system_element parent cranial_nerve label [med] Nervus petrosus minor nervi glossopharyngei nameGermanSynonym [] label [en] lesser petrosal nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve comment [en] The parasympathetic root of the otic ganglion, derived from the tympanic plexus; it leaves the tympanic cavity through the canal for the lesser petrosal nerve and passes within the cranium to the sphenopetrosal fissure, or to the foramen ovale, or to the petrosal foramen through which it descends to reach the otic ganglion; conveys presynaptic parasympathetic fibers from the glossopharyngeal nerve concerned with secromotor innervation of the parotid gland annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0046932 nameMedicineSynonym [] Radix parasympathica ganglii otici nervi glossopharyngei, Nervus petrosus superficialis minor nervi glossopharyngei nameEnglishSynonym [] parasympathetic root of otic ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve, lesser superficial petrosal nerve of glossopharyngeal nerve comment [de] Fortsetzung des Plexus tympanicus, verläuft an der vorderen Felsenbeinfläche, durch das Foramen lacerum zum Ganglion oticum, parasympathische Fasern vom Nucleus salivatorius caudalis zum Ganglion oticum; Versorgungsgebiet: parasympathische Wurzel des Ganglion oticum, sekretorische Fasern für die Ohrspeicheldrüse. label [de] speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 23044 isPartOf tympanic_plexus isPartOf cranial_nerve hasCell hasCell isPartOf otic_ganglion hasCell locatedIn lacerate_foramen hasCell innervates parotid_gland hasCell hasCell hasCell hasOriginIn glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX hasCell