name levator_ani_muscle namespace parent pelvic_diaphragm child pubococcygeus_muscle child iliococcygeus_muscle child puborectalis_muscle speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] die Muskeln beider Seiten bilden eine trichterförmige Platte, die den Beckenausgang verschließen hilft; Muskelbündel beidseits lassen zwischen sich eine Lücke zum Durchtritt von Mastdarm, (Vagina), Harnröhre; Funktion: Haltefunktion für Beckeneingeweide label [med] Musculus levator ani organNo [] 20343 ACC [] cy0046956 comment [en] A broad thin muscle that is attached in a sheet to each side of the inner surface of the pelvis and descends to form the floor of the pelvic cavity where it supports the viscera and surrounds structures which pass through it and inserts into the sides of the apex of the coccyx, the margins of the anus, the side of the rectum, and the central tendinous point of the perineum label [en] levator ani muscle attachedToOrigin pubic_body hasPart tendinous_arch_of_levator_ani_muscle attachedToOrigin obturator_fascia attachedToOrigin ischial_spine attachedToApproach perineum