name linea_alba_abdominis namespace parent tendon_of_trunk nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [de] derber weißer Sehnenstreifen, der durch Aponeurosenverflechtung der seitlichen Bauchmuskeln entsteht, befindet sich in der vorderen Medianlinie zwischen beiden Musculi recti, reicht vom Schwertfortsatz des Brustbeins bis zur Schamfuge label [med] Linea alba abdominis nameGermanSynonym [] Hunter-Linie, Trennlinie comment [en] A median vertical tendinous line on the mammalian abdomen formed of fibers from the aponeuroses of the two rectus abdominis muscles and extending from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis organNo [] 40104 label [en] linea alba abdominis ACC [] cy0047214 speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] Linea alba annotationRemark [] dka label [de] die "weiße Linie" connectWith external_oblique_muscle hasPart umbilical_ring hasPart adminiculum_of_linea_alba_abdominis connectWith pubic_symphysis connectWith internal_oblique_muscle connectWith xiphoid_process connectWith transversus_abdominis_muscle