name lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch namespace parent element_of_embryonic_digestive_system parent part_of_tongue comment [de] Die Zungenwulst, die sich auf Grund des dritten Pharyngealbogens bildet. label [de] Zungenwülste des dritten Pharyngealbogens organNo [] 80604 nameEnglishSynonym [] Lingual swelling of third branchial arch ACC [] cy0047334 comment [en] The swelling of the tongue caused by the third pharyngeal arch. annotationRemark [] dka speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Eminentia hypopharyngealis arcus pharyngealis label [en] Lingual swelling of third pharyngeal arch isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf future_tongue isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 hasPart median_lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch isPartOf third_pharyngeal_arch isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15