name longissimus_capitis_muscle namespace parent longissimus_muscle label [med] Musculus longissimus capitis comment [de] Der Musculus longissimus capitis ist der längste Muskels des Kopfes, er erstreckt sich im Bereich der Halswirbelsäule und Brustwirbelsäule; Funktion: Streckung der Halswirbelsäule bei beidseitiger Kontraktion und Drehung des Kopfes bei einseitiger Kontraktion. label [de] langer Rückenmuskel Kopfanteil nameEnglishSynonym [] trachelomastoid muscle nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0047570 label [en] longissimus capitis muscle organNo [] 40017 comment [en] A long slender muscle between the longissimus cervicis and the semispinalis capitis that arises by tendons from the upper thoracic and lower cervical vertebrae, is inserted into the posterior margin of the mastoid process; action: extends the head, bends and rotates it to the same side. speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] annotationRemark [] dka attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_III attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_cervical_vertebra_IV attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_cervical_vertebra_III attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_II attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_cervical_vertebra_V attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_cervical_vertebra_VI attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_I isPartOf longissimus_muscle attachedToOrigin transverse_process_of_cervical_vertebra_VII attachedToApproach mastoid_process