name lumbar_plexus namespace parent non_autonomic_plexus label [med] Plexus lumbalis ACC [] cy0047845 organNo [] 22054 nameGermanSynonym [] label [de] Lendennervengeflecht nameMedicineSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [en] A plexus embedded in the psoas major and formed by the anterior or ventral divisions of the four upper lumbar nerves of which the first is usually supplemented by a communication from the twelfth thoracic nerve annotationRemark [] speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] Geflecht der ventralen Äste der vier oberen Spinalnervenpaare des Lendenmarks, dessen Fortsätze für die untere Bauchwand, die Genitalregion sowie die Streckmuskelgruppe am Oberschenkel zuständig sind label [en] lumbar plexus isOriginOf iliohypogastric_nerve isPartOf adult hasOriginIn lumbar_nerve_L1 isOriginOf nerve_to_psoas_major hasOriginIn lumbosacral_trunk isOriginOf nerve_to_iliacus isOriginOf ilio-inguinal_nerve isOriginOf obturator_nerve hasOriginIn lumbar_nerve_L4 isOriginOf femoral_nerve isOriginOf genitofemoral_nerve isOriginOf nerve_to_quadratus_lumborum