name lung namespace parent respiratory_organ parent part_of_thorax comment [en] One of a pair of viscera occupying the pulmonary cavities of the thorax; the organs of respiration in which aeration of the blood takes place; the right lung is sligthly larger than the left and is divided into three lobes, while the left has but two lobes comment [de] paariges, kegelförmiges, Atmungsorgan; füllt beidseits den seitlichen Brustraum aus, ist bedeckt von der Pleura visceralis und eingeschlossen im parietalen Pleurasack; Funktion: äußere Atmung und Regulierung des Wasserhaushalts und Wärmehaushalts organNo [] 1024 label [med] Pulmones (dexter et sinister) label [en] lung (right and left) label [de] Lunge (rechte und linke) speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0048365 isPartOf embryo isSuppliedBy left_pulmonary_artery differentiatedFrom foregut hasPart intrapulmonary_blood_vessels hasPart anterior_border_of_lung hasPart bronchial_wall hasPart costal_surface_of_lung hasPart interlobar_facies_of_lung isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_10 isSuppliedBy right_pulmonary_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_12 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13 hasPart right_lung hasPart diaphragmatic_surface_of_lung hasPart apex_of_lung hasPart base_of_lung isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_11 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isPartOf hasPart bronchial_tree isPartOf fetal hasPart oblique_fissure_of_lung_right_and_left isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart inferior_border_of_lung isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 hasPart mediastinal_surface_of_lung isSuppliedBy pulmonary_trunk isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 hasPart left_lung hasPart hilum_of_lung hasPart radix_of_lung hasPart bronchi hasPart pulmonary_vessels isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isPartOf fetal-6