name maxilla namespace parent part_of_viscerocranium parent pneumatized_bone label [de] Oberkiefer (rechts und links) speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 1207 nameEnglishSynonym [] maxillary bone, upper jaw bone, upper jaw nameGermanSynonym [] Oberkieferknochen label [en] maxilla (right and left) ACC [] cy0050767 comment [de] paariger Knochen des Gesichtsschädels, der den Boden der Augenhöhle, Boden und Seitenwand der Nasenhöhle und das Dach der Mundhöhle (mit)bildet; im Oberkieferkörper ist die Kieferhöhle enthalten; der Oberkiefer ist verbunden mit Stirnbein, Jochbein und Gaumenbein comment [en] The upper jaw bone, an irregularly shaped bone, supporting the superior teeth and taking part in the formation of the orbit, hard palate and nasal cavity label [med] Maxilla (dexter et sinister) hasPart frontal_process_of_maxilla hasPart mesenchyme_of_maxilla differentiatedFrom first_pharyngeal_arch isPartOf intermaxillary_suture hasPart alveolar_process_of_maxilla hasPart future_lip_of_maxilla isPartOf sphenomaxillary_suture isPartOf adult isPartOf ethmoidomaxillary_suture isPartOf palatomaxillary_suture hasPart zygomatic_process_of_maxilla isPartOf lacrimomaxillary_suture isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 hasPart maxillary_tuberosity hasPart incisive_bone hasPart palatine_process_of_maxilla isPartOf viscerocranium hasPart maxillary_component hasPart tooth_of_maxilla isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf oral_region hasPart palatal_shelf hasPart body_of_maxilla isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasPart part_of_bone_of_maxilla