name middle_meningeal_artery namespace parent artery_of_head_and_neck comment [de] Ast der Arteria maxillaris durch das Foramen spinosum in die mittlere Schädelgrube und extradural an Stirnbein, Scheitelbein und Hinterhauptbein einschließlich deren Dura; gibt die Arteria tympanica superior zur Paukenhöhle ab comment [en] Branch of the first portion of the maxillary artery that is the largest artery supplying the dura mater, enters the cranium through the foramen spinosum, and divides into anterior and posterior branches in a groove in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone label [de] mittlere Hirnhautarterie label [en] middle meningeal artery label [med] Arteria meningea media isOriginOf parietal_branch_of_middle_meningeal_artery isOriginOf frontal_branch_of_middle_meningeal_artery isOriginOf accessory_meningeal_artery_variation isPartOf hasOriginIn maxillary_artery isOriginOf superior_tympanic_artery isOriginOf orbital_branch_of_middle_meningeal_artery isOriginOf petrosal_branch_of_middle_meningeal_artery isOriginOf anastomotic_branch_with_lacrimal_artery