name mobile_part_of_nasal_septum namespace parent part_of_nose comment [en] The mobile part of the nasal septum is the most caudal part of the nasal septum. It is formed by the skin which is located in between the nostrils and its connective tissue and the medial crus of the majo alar cartilgae. ACC [] cy0004325 label [en] Mobile part of nasal septum speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka label [de] Beweglicher Teil der Nasenscheidewand comment [de] Der bewegiche Teil der Nasenscheidewand liegt am weitesten kaudal und wird nur aus der Haut zwichen den beiden Nasenlöchern gebildet, sowie dem darunter liegenden Bindegewebe und dem Crus mediale des großen Flügelknopels. label [med] Pars mobilis septi nasi organNo [] 23979 hasCell hasCell chondrocyte_of_hyalin_cartilage isPartOf medial_crus_of_major_alar_cartilage_of_nose hasCell chondroblast