name muscle_of_heart namespace parent muscle child pectinate_muscles_of_left_atrium child posterior_papillary_muscle_of_right_ventricle child anterior_papillary_muscle_of_right_ventricle child anterior_papillary_muscle_of_left_ventricle child cardiac_muscle child pectinate_muscles_of_right_atrium child posterior_papillary_muscle_of_left_ventricle speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 21045 comment [de] Quergestreifte Muskulatur des Herzens. Die flechtwerkartig verzweigten Herzmuskelzellen haben meist nur einen zentral liegenden Zellkern und sind durch Glanzstreifen untereinander verbunden. label [en] striated muscle tissue of the heart label [med] label [de] Herzmuskulatur comment [en] The cardiac muscle is a striated mucle tissue; it is involuntarily controlled. Single myocardiac cells are connected by intercalated discs. ACC [] cy0041484 hasPart intercalated_disc hasCell isPartOf heart hasPart cardiac_muscle_fiber