name myoepithelial_cell_of_apocrineeccrine_sweat_glands namespace parent cell nameGermanSynonym [] Myoepithelzelle, Korbzelle, epitheloide Zelle einer apokrinen/ekkrinen Schweißdrüse cellSystemNo [] 962 precursorNo [] 962 nameEnglishSynonym [] basket cell of apocrine/eccrine sweat gland annotationRemark [] cellNo [] 649 comment [de] kontraktile Zelle von einem Drüsenendstück einer apokrinen/ekkrinen Schweißdrüse. label [med] Myoepitheliocytus fusiformis comment [en] label [en] myoepithelial cell of apocrine/eccrine sweat glands speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] ACC [] cy0011299 label [de] myoepitheliale Zelle einer apokrinen/ ekkrinen Schweißdrüse isCellOf isCellOf