- [] cy0014650
- comment
- [de] Gesamtheit der Nervengewebe des Menschen, es dient der Erfassung, Fortleitung, Auswertung und Speicherung von Informationen, trennt sich in zentrales Nervensystem (Gehirn und R?ckenmark) und peripheres Nervensystem (alle Nervenzellen und Nervenbahnen au?erhalb von Gehirn und R?ckenmark, dazu geh?ren die Hirnnerven und die Spinalnerven mit ihren Nervengeflechten und Verzweigungen)
- label
- [med]
- comment
- [en] The entire integrated system of nerve tissue in the body, composed of a central part, the brain, brainstem, and spinal cord, and a peripheral part, the cranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia, and plexuses; its function is the reception, transmission, processing and saving of outer and inner information; it controls the reaction of our body to new arising situations
- systemNo
- [] 6
- nameGermanSynonym
- []
- annotationRemark
- []
- nameEnglishSynonym
- []
- label
- [en] Nervous System
- speciesNo
- [] 86
- label
- [de] Nervensystem
- nameMedicineSynonym
- []
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_posterior_branch_of_obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_ganglion_of_vagus
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_medial_parabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- subfornical_organ_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- ventral_lateral_geniculate_nucleus
- hasPart
- lateral_ventricular_eminence_of_future_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_lateral_lemniscus
- hasPart
- rubro-olivary_tract_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- posterior_cutaneous_nerve_of_thigh
- hasPart
- myenteric_plexus_of_oesophagus
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_abducens_nerve
- hasPart
- rubrobulbar_tract
- hasPart
- bed_nucleus_of_stria_terminalis
- hasPart
- primordium_of_superior_cerebellar_peduncle
- hasPart
- head_of_posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- body_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- superior_labial_branches_of_infra-orbital_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_paraventricular_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- temporal_horn_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- common_plantar_digital_nerves_of_lateral_plantar_nerve
- hasPart
- lentiform_nucleus
- hasPart
- temporal_pole
- hasPart
- collateral_eminence_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- supra-orbital_nerve
- hasPart
- nucleus_limitans
- hasPart
- inferior_ganglion_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- interstitial_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- commissural_nucleus_of_solitary_nuclei
- hasPart
- medial_cutaneous_nerve_of_forearm
- hasPart
- sublenticular_extended_amygdala
- hasPart
- deep_temporal_nerves
- hasPart
- lateral_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- corticoreticular_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- lateral_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- sural_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_part_of_lateral_parabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- rhomboid_fossa
- hasPart
- oral_pontine_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- intralaminar_nuclei_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- amygdalopiriform_transition_area
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_intercostal_nerves
- hasPart
- olivary_pretectal_nucleus
- hasPart
- habenula
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- trigeminospinal_tract
- hasPart
- inner_limiting_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- dorsolateral_part_of_supra-optic_nucleus
- hasPart
- oesphageal_branches_of_thoracic_ganglia
- hasPart
- parieto-occipital_sulcus_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- superior_frontal_sulcus
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve_nuclei_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- pedunculopontine_tegmental_nucleus
- hasPart
- triangular_nucleus_of_septum
- hasPart
- future_amygdala_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- caudal_part_of_spinal_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- hypothalamospinal_tract
- hasPart
- rhinal_sulcus
- hasPart
- sensory_root_of_otic_ganglion
- hasPart
- coeliac_plexus
- hasPart
- thalamic_fasciculus_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- medial_lemniscus_of_medulla
- hasPart
- posterolateral_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- periventricular_fibres_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- optic_chiasm
- hasPart
- parotid_plexus
- hasPart
- caudate_nucleus
- hasPart
- cuneocerebellar_fibres
- hasPart
- superior_olivary_nucleus_Barr__Kiernan
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- genitofemoral_nerve
- hasPart
- cuneiform_nucleus
- hasPart
- central_nucleus_of_inferior_colliculus
- hasPart
- lacrimal_nerve
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_hypoglossal_nerve
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve
- hasPart
- meningeal_branch_of_mandibular_nerve
- hasPart
- fibrous_capsule_of_hypophysis
- hasPart
- pretectal_area
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- cranial_arachnoid_mater
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_interosseous_nerve
- hasPart
- supramarginal_gyrus
- hasPart
- bulbar_corticonuclear_fibres
- hasPart
- anterior_interosseous_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_orbital_gyrus
- hasPart
- gracile_fasciculus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- lateral_cerebral_fossa
- hasPart
- primitive_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- pontobulbar_nucleus
- hasPart
- pontine_corticonuclear_fibres
- hasPart
- posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord_grey_columns
- hasPart
- septofimbrial_nucleus_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- inferior_dental_plexus
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- taenia_thalami_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- parvocellular_part_of_red_nucleus
- hasPart
- magnocellular_part_of_red_nucleus
- hasPart
- stria_of_external_granular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_tympanic_plexus
- hasPart
- ventral_medial_complex_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- medullary_cone
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_ulnar_nerve_of_median_nerve
- hasPart
- cuneate_nucleus
- hasPart
- dorsal_part_of_central_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- thoracic_splanchnic_ganglion
- hasPart
- posterior_transverse_temporal_gyrus
- hasPart
- allocortex
- hasPart
- central_sulcus_of_insula
- hasPart
- lateral_fibres_of_vertical_occipital_fasciculi
- hasPart
- inferior_mesenteric_ganglion
- hasPart
- lesser_palatine_nerves
- hasPart
- lumbosacral_plexus
- hasPart
- anterior_branch_of_obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_gastric_branches_of_anterior_vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- vascular_organ_of_lamina_terminalis_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- pulmonary_plexus_anterior_and_posterior
- hasPart
- anterior_tegmental_decussation
- hasPart
- vestibulocochlear_nerve_VIII
- hasPart
- parataenial_nucleus
- hasPart
- meninx_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- granular_layer_of_dentate_gyrus
- hasPart
- spinal_pia_mater
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- intercalated_nucleus
- hasPart
- neural_lobe_of_pituitary_gland
- hasPart
- superior_precentral_sulcus
- hasPart
- brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- ventral_primary_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- dural_limiting_layer_of_primary_meninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- intermediate_sheath_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- infratrochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- primordium_of_inferior_cerebellar_peduncle
- hasPart
- frontal_lobe_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- precentral_gyrus
- hasPart
- tectobulbar_tract_of_pons
- hasPart
- anterolateral_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- trunk_of_corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- medial_magnocellular_nucleus_of_medial_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- falx_of_cerebrum
- hasPart
- lenticular_fasciculus_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- external_granular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- lateral_ampullary_nerve
- hasPart
- commissural_fibre
- hasPart
- anterior_column_of_fornix_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- spinal_arachnoid_mater
- hasPart
- dorsal_root_ganglion
- hasPart
- anterolateral_sulcus_of_medulla
- hasPart
- postcentral_sulcus
- hasPart
- ampullary_branches_of_vestibular_nerve
- hasPart
- commissural_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_anterior_commissure_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- precommissural_septal_nucleus
- hasPart
- fascicle
- hasPart
- occipital_horn_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- posterior_superior_alveolar_branches
- hasPart
- opening_of_aqueduct_of_midbrain_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- medial_habenular_nucleus
- hasPart
- short_gyri_of_insula
- hasPart
- cauda_equina
- hasPart
- superior_cervical_ganglion
- hasPart
- cords_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- future_inferior_colliculi
- hasPart
- subdural_space_inconstant_pathological
- hasPart
- dural_limiting_layer_of_primary_meninx_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- preaccessory_cuneate_nucleus
- hasPart
- reticular_formation_of_pons
- hasPart
- retrochiasmatic_area
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- lamina_terminalis_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_anterior_commissure_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- ventromedial_part_of_supra-optic_nucleus
- hasPart
- oesophageal_branches_of_recurrent_laryngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_cord_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- tecto-olivary_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- raphe_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- central_gelatinous_substance_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- basilar_sulcus
- hasPart
- communicating_branches_with_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_white_commissure_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- myenteric_plexus
- hasPart
- paracommissural_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- nucleus_accumbens
- hasPart
- superior_hypogastric_plexus
- hasPart
- coronary_plexus_of_heart
- hasPart
- caerulean_nucleus
- hasPart
- recurrent_laryngeal_nerve_right_and_left
- hasPart
- ansa_lenticularis_in_thalamus
- hasPart
- extradural_space_of_cranial_dura_mater
- hasPart
- posterior_longitudinal_fasciculus_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- ansa_cervicalis
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_branches_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- stylopharyngeal_branch_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- posterolateral_fissure_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- geniculate_ganglion_of_facial_nerve_VII
- hasPart
- suprascapular_nerve
- hasPart
- anterodorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- interstitial_parataenial_nucleus
- hasPart
- subclavian_nerve
- hasPart
- caroticotympanic_nerves_of_internal_carotid_plexus
- hasPart
- posterolateral_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- wing_of_central_lobule_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- paraventricular_fibres
- hasPart
- suprarenal_paraganglion
- hasPart
- hypothalamothalamic_fibers
- hasPart
- cranial_part_of_parasympathetic_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- posterior_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- trigeminal_tubercle
- hasPart
- ventral_striatum
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- dorsal_nucleus_of_medial_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- cingulate_sulcus_of_limbic_lobe
- hasPart
- opercular_part_of_inferior_frontal_gyrus
- hasPart
- interventricular_foramen_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- sacral_nerves_and_coccygeal_nerve_S1-S5_Co
- hasPart
- filum_terminale_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- inferior_root_of_ansa_cervicalis
- hasPart
- anulo-olivary_fibres
- hasPart
- layer_of_inner_and_outer_segments_of_rods_and_cones
- hasPart
- posterior_inferior_nasal_nerves
- hasPart
- rootlets_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_parietal_lobule
- hasPart
- lateral_preoptic_nucleus
- hasPart
- interstitial_subdivision_of_nucleus_of_posterior_commissure
- hasPart
- spinoperiaqueductal_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- anterior_rami_of_cervical_nerves
- hasPart
- parabigeminal_nucleus
- hasPart
- hypothalamospinal_fibres_of_medulla
- hasPart
- epineurium
- hasPart
- medial_pectoral_nerve
- hasPart
- thoracic_ganglia
- hasPart
- geniculum_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- restiform_body_of_medulla
- hasPart
- spinal_laminae_VII-IX
- hasPart
- basal_forebrain
- hasPart
- axillary_nerve
- hasPart
- spinohypothalamic_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_fourth_ventricle_of_pia_mater
- hasPart
- olivospinal_fibres_of_lateral_funiculus
- hasPart
- posterior_paracentral_gyrus
- hasPart
- culmen_IV_and_V
- hasPart
- medial_accessory_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- interthalamic_adhesion_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- amygdaloclaustral_area
- hasPart
- nerve_to_medial_pterygoid
- hasPart
- tegmentum_of_midbrain_of_cerebral_peduncle
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- magnocellular_part_of_lateral_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- medial_calcaneal_branches_of_tibial_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_branch_of_oculomotor_nerve
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- ventral_striatum_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- neck_of_posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- common_palmar_digital_nerves_of_median_nerve
- hasPart
- pachymeninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- telencephalon
- hasPart
- optic_nerve_of_cranial_nerves_II
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_brain
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- retroposterior_lateral_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- sympathetic_root_of_pterygopalatine_ganglion_of_internal_carotid_plexus
- hasPart
- dorsal_subdivision_of_nucleus_of_posterior_commissure
- hasPart
- future_anterior_cutaneous_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- intermediate_grey_layer_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- interpolar_part_of_spinal_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- renal_ganglia
- hasPart
- precentral_fissure_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_ansa_lenticularis
- hasPart
- dorsal_septal_nucleus_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- central_precommissural_nucleus
- hasPart
- sympathetic_paraganglia
- hasPart
- medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- posteromedial_nucleus_of_principal_sensory_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- lateral_branch_of_sacral_nerves_and_coccygeal_nerve
- hasPart
- greater_occipital_nerve
- hasPart
- superficial_branch_of_radial_nerve
- hasPart
- trapezoid_body
- hasPart
- olfactory_bulb
- hasPart
- optic_radiation_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- anterior_acoustic_stria
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_anterior_quadrangular_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_IV
- hasPart
- parvocellular_part_of_lateral_vestibular_nucleus
- hasPart
- common_palmar_digital_nerves_of_ulnar_nerve
- hasPart
- horizontal_limb_of_diagonal_band
- hasPart
- sublingual_ganglion_primordium
- hasPart
- epidural_space_of_spinal_dura_mater
- hasPart
- medial_eminence_of_floor_of_fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- amygdalohippocampal_area
- hasPart
- ansa_lenticularis_in_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- autonomic_plexus
- hasPart
- posterior_thalamic_radiation
- hasPart
- diaphragmatic_sellae
- hasPart
- medullopontine_sulcus
- hasPart
- sensory_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_and_inferior_surfaces_of_cerebral_hemisphere
- hasPart
- transverse_occipital_fasciculi
- hasPart
- primary_fissure_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- anterior_radiation_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve_VIII
- hasPart
- lesser_occipital_nerve
- hasPart
- internal_basilar_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- corticospinal_tract
- hasPart
- subcaerulean_nucleus
- hasPart
- suprageniculate_nucleus
- hasPart
- choroid_line_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- decussation_of_pyramids_of_medullary_white_matter
- hasPart
- suprachiasmatic_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- iliohypogastric_nerve
- hasPart
- prepositus_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_central_lobule_of_cerebellum_III
- hasPart
- orbital_part_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- stria_of_internal_pyramidal_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- stylohyoid_branch_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- reticular_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- radiation_of_corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- vascular_organ_of_lamina_terminalis_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- future_falx_cerebri
- hasPart
- submucosal_plexus_of_oesophagus
- hasPart
- septum_pellucidum
- hasPart
- sensory_root_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- nerve_of_pterygoid_canal
- hasPart
- vertical_occipital_fasciculi
- hasPart
- triangular_part_of_inferior_frontal_gyrus
- hasPart
- calcarine_spur
- hasPart
- brachium_of_inferior_colliculus_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- anterior_medial_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- anterior_cutaneous_branch_of_iliohypogastric_nerve
- hasPart
- pontocerebellar_cistern
- hasPart
- intermediate_dorsal_cutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- spiral_ganglion
- hasPart
- mandibular_nerve
- hasPart
- central_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- central_sulcus_of_frontal_lobe
- hasPart
- neural_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- spinal_lamina_VII
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- ventral_posteromedial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- multiform_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- temporopontine_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- straight_gyrus
- hasPart
- anterior_paraventricular_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- ventrobasal_complex
- hasPart
- corticopontine_fibres
- hasPart
- rhomboid_nucleus
- hasPart
- cervical_branch_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- subcuneiform_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterior_cerebellar_commissure
- hasPart
- retro-olivary_area
- hasPart
- pallidal_raphe_nucleus
- hasPart
- superior_lateral_cutaneous_nerve_of_arm
- hasPart
- abducent_nerve_VI
- hasPart
- nerve_to_obturator_internus
- hasPart
- molecular_layer_of_cerebellar_cortex
- isPartOf
- adult
- hasPart
- superior_linear_nucleus
- hasPart
- occipital_branch_of_posterior_auricular_nerve
- hasPart
- fimbria_of_hippocampus_of_limbic_lobe
- hasPart
- raphe_of_pons
- hasPart
- olfactory_striae
- hasPart
- sacral_splanchnic_nerves
- hasPart
- parvocellular_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- anterior_thalamic_tubercle
- hasPart
- lingual_branches_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- subarachnoid_space_of_brain
- hasPart
- dentate_gyrus_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- inferior_temporal_gyrus_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- fornix_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- reticulotegmental_nucleus_of_tegmentum_of_pons
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- transverse_cervical_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_colliculus_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- rubrospinal_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- trigone_of_lateral_lemniscus
- hasPart
- sacral_cord
- hasPart
- posterior_gastric_branches_of_posterior_vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- lateral_occipitotemporal_gyrus_of_occipital_lobe
- hasPart
- part_of_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- calcarine_sulcus
- hasPart
- outer_nuclear_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- cranial_sensory_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_cutaneous_nerve_of_forearm
- hasPart
- inferior_parietal_lobule
- hasPart
- fimbria_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- dentate_gyrus_of_limbic_lobe
- hasPart
- sympathetic_root_of_submandibular_ganglion
- hasPart
- posterior_tegmental_decussation
- hasPart
- radial_nerve
- hasPart
- greater_cavernous_nerves_of_penis_male
- hasPart
- anterior_crus_of_fornix
- hasPart
- obex_of_fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- vertebral_plexus
- hasPart
- vallecula_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- alveus_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- arcuate_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- ciliary_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_nucleus_of_mammillary_body
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- medial_clunial_nerves
- hasPart
- meninx_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- brachium_of_superior_colliculus_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- central_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- cuneus_fibres
- hasPart
- posterior_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- endoneurium
- hasPart
- meninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- ventral_nuclei_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- anterior_grey_commissure_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- posterior_periventricular_nucleus
- hasPart
- septal_nuclei_and_related_structures
- hasPart
- dorsal_striatum
- hasPart
- ganglionic_branches_to_sublingual_ganglion_of_lingual_nerve
- hasPart
- hypothalamohypophysial_tract
- hasPart
- dorsal_lateral_geniculate_nucleus
- isPartOf
- Carnegie_Stage_19
- hasPart
- tecto-olivary_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- medial_nucleus_of_mammillary_body
- hasPart
- ansa_subclavia
- hasPart
- medial_supraclavicular_nerves
- hasPart
- body_of_fornix
- hasPart
- vertebral_nerve
- hasPart
- femoral_branch_of_genitofemoral_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_central_lobule_of_cerebellum_II
- hasPart
- habenular_sulcus
- hasPart
- superior_gluteal_nerve
- hasPart
- spinal_cord
- hasPart
- middle_rectal_plexus
- hasPart
- mammillary_body
- hasPart
- vascular_nerves
- hasPart
- opening_of_aqueduct_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- thoracic_nerves_Th1-Th12
- hasPart
- auriculotemporal_nerve
- hasPart
- spinal_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_chorda_tympani
- hasPart
- insula
- hasPart
- superior_clunial_nerves
- hasPart
- corticospinal_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_root_of_ciliary_ganglion
- hasPart
- anterior_nerve_of_lesser_curvature
- hasPart
- periventricular_zone_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- lacrimal_nucleus
- hasPart
- interstitial_nucleus
- hasPart
- reticular_formation_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_globus_pallidus
- hasPart
- hippocampal_commissure
- hasPart
- archicortex
- hasPart
- corpus_callosum_fibres
- hasPart
- posterior_external_arcuate_fibres
- hasPart
- lumbar_cistern
- hasPart
- interstitial_nuclei_of_medial_longitudinal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- lateral_superior_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- rubro-olivary_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- spinal_dura_mater
- hasPart
- paraventricular_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- layers_of_dentate_gyrus
- hasPart
- ventral_supra-optic_commissure
- hasPart
- internal_capsule
- hasPart
- posterior_pretectal_nucleus
- hasPart
- ventral_subdivision_of_nucleus_of_posterior_commissure
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- association_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- lateral_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- paleocerebellum
- hasPart
- nodule_of_vermis_X
- hasPart
- spinoreticular_fibres_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- supratrochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- zygomatic_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_labial_nerves_female
- hasPart
- autonomic_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_ventrolateral_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- future_tentorium_cerebelli
- hasPart
- basal_ventral_medial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- hypothalamospinal_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- renal_plexus_right_and_left
- hasPart
- restiform_body_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- medial_part_of_medial_parabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- dorsal_nuclei_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- nerve_to_tensor_tympani
- hasPart
- superior_dental_plexus
- hasPart
- pyramis_of_vermis_VIII
- hasPart
- corticomesencephalic_fibres
- hasPart
- stria_terminalis
- hasPart
- lobules_of_pineal_cells
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_nucleus_accumbens
- hasPart
- choroid_membrane_of_fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_perineal_nerves
- hasPart
- pretecto-olivary_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- long_gyrus_of_insula
- hasPart
- medial_geniculate_nuclei
- hasPart
- spinomesencephalic_fibres_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- radiate_layer_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- central_cord_structures
- hasPart
- acoustic_radiation_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- parahippocampal_gyrus
- hasPart
- occipital_lobe_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- supraspinal_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterior_thalamic_radiation_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- sulcus_of_corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- median_raphe_nucleus
- hasPart
- interpositospinal_tract
- hasPart
- principal_part_of_ventral_posteromedial_nucleus
- hasPart
- ophthalmic_nerve
- hasPart
- intermediate_precentral_sulcus_variation
- hasPart
- obex_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- inferior_part_of_wing_of_central_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_II
- hasPart
- anterior_pontoreticulospinal_tract
- hasPart
- cerebrospinal_fluid_of_brain
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_root_of_pelvic_ganglia
- hasPart
- layers_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- accessory_medullary_lamina_of_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- ganglion_of_sympathetic_trunk
- hasPart
- spinomesencephalic_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- pyloric_branch_of_anterior_vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- branch_of_vestibular_nerve_to_saccule
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_vagus_nerve
- hasPart
- median_preoptic_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_salivatory_nucleus
- hasPart
- lateral_nuclei
- hasPart
- oculomotor_sulcus
- hasPart
- lateral_intermediate_substance
- hasPart
- anterior_cochlear_nucleus
- hasPart
- arcuate_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- accessory_trochlear_nucleus
- hasPart
- parietal_operculum
- hasPart
- tracheal_branches_of_recurrent_laryngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- lesser_cavernous_nerves_of_penis_male
- hasPart
- arcuate_nucleus_of_medulla
- hasPart
- lateral_sulcus
- hasPart
- anterior_funiculus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- taenia_of_fornix
- hasPart
- lateral_supraclavicular_nerves
- hasPart
- central_canal_of_central_cord_structures
- hasPart
- cervicothoracic_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_medullary_lamina_of_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- central_part_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- iliac_plexus
- hasPart
- reticulotegmental_nucleus_of_basilar_part_of_pons
- hasPart
- medial_precentral_sulcus
- hasPart
- posteromedial_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- reticular_nuclei_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- pancreatic_plexus
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_basilar_part_of_pons
- hasPart
- mesencephalon
- hasPart
- parotid_branches_of_auriculotemporal_nerve
- hasPart
- lateral_stria
- hasPart
- nuclei_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- medial_lemniscus_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- simple_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_VI_and_VI
- hasPart
- coccygeal_part_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- ventral_posterior_parvocellular_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- cerebral_crus
- hasPart
- nerve_to_stapedius_muscle
- hasPart
- reticular_formation_of_central_nervous_system
- hasPart
- sacral_parasympathetic_nuclei
- hasPart
- cuneate_tubercle
- hasPart
- spinoperiaqueductal_fibres_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- anterior_rami_of_sacral_nerves_and_coccygeal_nerve
- hasPart
- orbital_gyri
- hasPart
- frontal_horn_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- medial_dorsal_cutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- basolateral_amygdaloid_nucleus
- hasPart
- septofimbrial_nucleus
- hasPart
- coccygeal_nerve
- hasPart
- spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- renal_branch_of_lesser_splanchnic_nerve
- hasPart
- lateral_pectoral_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_quadrangular_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_VI
- hasPart
- anterior_interpositus_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_occipitofrontal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- lateral_nucleus_of_trapezoid_body
- hasPart
- tectospinal_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_glossopharyngeal_nerve_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- external_nucleus_of_inferior_colliculus
- hasPart
- nucleus_proprius_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- renal_branches_of_vagus
- hasPart
- anterior_labial_nerves_female
- hasPart
- peduncular_loop_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- tuber_cinerum
- hasPart
- anterior_cerebellar_commissure
- hasPart
- superior_longitudinal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- preganglionic_nerve_fibres
- hasPart
- telo-diencephalic_fissure
- hasPart
- lateral_nucleus_of_accessory_nuclei_of_optic_tract
- hasPart
- optic_layer_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- neural_tube
- hasPart
- superior_cerebellar_peduncle_of_midbrain_tegmentum
- hasPart
- paraventriculohypophysial_tract
- hasPart
- amygdaloid_nuclei_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- perineal_nerves
- hasPart
- frontopontine_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- fimbriodentate_sulcus
- hasPart
- lateral_horn_of_spinal_cord_grey_columns
- hasPart
- columna_of_grey_matter
- hasPart
- parapeduncular_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_fovea
- hasPart
- medial_preoptic_nucleus
- hasPart
- medial_vestibular_nucleus_in_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- occipital_pole
- hasPart
- fibres_of_stria_terminalis
- hasPart
- superior_temporal_sulcus
- hasPart
- amygdaloid_nuclei_of_future_amygdala_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- lateral_longitudinal_stria
- hasPart
- olfactory_peduncle
- hasPart
- spinal_lamina_V
- hasPart
- cerebellar_peduncles
- hasPart
- lateral_funiculus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_third_ventricle_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- prostatic_plexus_male
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_posterior_commissure
- hasPart
- anteromedial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- cingulate_gyrus
- hasPart
- inner_plexiform_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- cardiac_conduction_system
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_anterior_quadrangular_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_V
- hasPart
- epithelial_lamina_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_external_arcuate_fibres_of_white_medullary_substance
- hasPart
- hypothalamus
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_ulnar_nerve_of_radial_nerve
- hasPart
- decussation_of_trochlear_nerve_fibres
- hasPart
- inferomedial_margin_of_cerebral_hemisphere
- hasPart
- posterior_auricular_nerve
- hasPart
- subpleural_plexus
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_pontile_tegmentum
- hasPart
- thalamoparietal_fibres
- hasPart
- tectobulbar_tract_of_medulla
- hasPart
- commissure
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_root_of_pterygopalatine_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_tectobulbar_tract
- hasPart
- posterior_ethmoidal_nerve
- hasPart
- isthmus_of_cingulate_gyrus
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- infrapatellar_branch_of_saphenous_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_gigantocellular_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- ramus_communicans
- hasPart
- vertical_limb_of_diagonal_band
- hasPart
- cingulate_sulcus
- hasPart
- frenulum_of_superior_medullary_vellum_of_pons
- hasPart
- corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- spinogracile_fibres
- hasPart
- basal_column
- hasPart
- superolateral_face_of_cerebral_hemisphere
- hasPart
- metencephalon
- hasPart
- stria_medullaris_thalami_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- pyramidal_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- lateral_lemniscus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- vagal_ganglion_X
- hasPart
- optic_radiation_of_sublentiform_limb
- hasPart
- uncinate_fasciculus_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- deep_grey_layer_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- posterior_hypothalamic_area
- hasPart
- anterior_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- facial_nerve_VII
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_culmen_V
- hasPart
- septal_area
- hasPart
- medial_occipitotemporal_gyrus_of_occipital_lobe
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_femoral_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_cutaneous_nerve_of_leg
- hasPart
- olfactory_sulcus
- hasPart
- cerebellar_falx
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_trochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- centromedian_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- inferior_gingival_branches
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_deep_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- telencephalon_medium
- hasPart
- lateral_cord_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- oligodendroglia
- hasPart
- prebiventral_fissure
- hasPart
- collateral_sulcus_of_limbic_lobe
- hasPart
- postlaminar_part_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_medullary_velum_of_fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- muscular_branch_of_mixed_nerve
- hasPart
- short_association_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- retro-ambiguus_nucleus
- hasPart
- femoral_nerve
- hasPart
- area_postrema_of_medulla
- hasPart
- anterior_lobe_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- external_pyramidal_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- white_matter
- hasPart
- medial_nucleus_of_accessory_nuclei_of_optic_tract
- hasPart
- globus_pallidus_externus
- hasPart
- tectopontine_fibres
- hasPart
- tympanic_nerve
- hasPart
- infra-orbital_nerve
- hasPart
- thalamus
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- occipital_stripe_of_internal_granular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- lenticulothalamic_part_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- hippocampus
- hasPart
- crus_of_fornix
- hasPart
- peripheral_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- trochlear_nerve_IV
- hasPart
- rubro-olivary_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- medial_lemniscus_of_pons
- hasPart
- angular_gyrus
- hasPart
- anterior_quadrangular_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_IV_and_H_V
- hasPart
- olfactory_tract
- hasPart
- lesser_splanchnic_nerve
- hasPart
- deep_white_layer_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- caudolenticular_grey_bridges
- hasPart
- superior_laryngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- musculocutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- amygdaloid_area_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- medial_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- corticonuclear_fibres
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_biventral_lobule_H_VIII_A
- hasPart
- nerve_to_quadratus_femoris
- hasPart
- tegmentum_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- outer_limiting_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- craniospinal_ganglion
- hasPart
- cochlear_ganglion_of_cochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- ganglionic_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- posterior_spinocerebellar_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- rubrospinal_tract_of_pons
- hasPart
- cingulum
- hasPart
- extreme_capsule
- hasPart
- principal_ventral_medial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- abdominal_aortic_plexus
- hasPart
- common_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_cutaneous_nerve_of_arm
- hasPart
- brachium_of_inferior_colliculus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- cerebello-olivary_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- inferior_cervical_cardiac_branches_of_vagus
- hasPart
- restiform_body_of_white_medullary_substance
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_root_of_submandibular_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_pectoral_cutaneous_branch_of_intercostal_nerve
- hasPart
- magnocellular_layers_of_dorsal_nucleus_of_lateral_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- retinohypothalamic_tract
- hasPart
- gingival_branches_of_mental_nerve
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- lunate_sulcus
- hasPart
- anterior_commissure_of_corona_radiata
- hasPart
- ventral_anterior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- spinal_root_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_nerve_of_lesser_curvature
- hasPart
- spinal_lemniscus_of_medulla
- hasPart
- peri-olivary_nuclei
- hasPart
- spinomesencephalic_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- nucleus_accumbens_primordium
- hasPart
- sympathetic_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- subparietal_sulcus
- hasPart
- parvocellular_part_of_lateral_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- medial_plantar_nerve
- hasPart
- spinothalamic_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- anteromedial_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- subarachnoid_cisterns
- hasPart
- tectospinal_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- lateral_septal_nucleus
- hasPart
- branch_to_ciliary_ganglion_of_oculomotor_nerve
- hasPart
- thoracic_part_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- anterior_tegmental_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- peritrigeminal_nucleus
- hasPart
- anterior_horn_of_spinal_cord_grey_columns
- hasPart
- sciatic_nerve
- hasPart
- frontal_nerve
- hasPart
- arbor_vitae
- hasPart
- tonsillar_branches_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- middle_cervical_ganglion_variation
- hasPart
- parietal_lobe_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- preoptic_area
- hasPart
- inferior_cerebellar_peduncle
- hasPart
- sulcomarginal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- capsule_of_medial_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- choroidal_fissure_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- superior_cervical_cardiac_branches_of_vagus
- hasPart
- coeliac_ganglia
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- pontoreticulospinal_tract
- hasPart
- lenticular_fasciculus_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_ampullary_nerve
- hasPart
- ventral_part_of_central_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterior_crus_of_fornix
- hasPart
- lateral_olfactory_gyrus
- hasPart
- subcostal_nerve
- hasPart
- facial_colliculus
- hasPart
- anterior_scrotal_nerves_male
- hasPart
- hypophysial_stalk
- hasPart
- pituitary_gland_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_musculocutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- limbic_lobe
- hasPart
- cardiac_plexus
- hasPart
- prosencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_white_commissure_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- splenic_plexus
- hasPart
- meninx
- hasPart
- frontal_pole
- hasPart
- collateral_sulcus_of_temporal_lobe
- hasPart
- column_of_fornix_of_third_ventricle_anterior_and_posterior
- hasPart
- middle_cervical_cardiac_nerve
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_lateral_ventricle_of_pia_mater
- hasPart
- cochlear_nuclei_in_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- thoracic_aortic_plexus
- hasPart
- hypothalamic_sulcus
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- outer_sheath_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_branch_of_great_auricular_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_alveolar_nerves
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- olfactory_nerves
- hasPart
- lacunar-molecular_layer_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- pallidohypothalamic_fasciculus
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_anterior_cochlear_nucleus
- hasPart
- anterior_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- decussation_of_superior_cerebellar_peduncles
- hasPart
- accessory_nuclei_of_oculomotor_nerve
- hasPart
- inferior_clunial_nerves
- hasPart
- astroglia
- hasPart
- medial_olfactory_gyrus
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- occipital_lobe_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- inferior_pulvinar_nucleus
- hasPart
- obscurus_raphe_nucleus
- hasPart
- outer_plexiform_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- dorsal_vagal_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterolateral_sulcus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- vermis_of_cerebellum_I_-_X
- hasPart
- accessory_nerve_XI
- hasPart
- branches_to_otic_ganglion_of_mandibular_nerve
- hasPart
- tectopontine_tract_of_pons
- hasPart
- bulb_of_occipital_horn_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_median_nerve
- hasPart
- lamina_terminalis_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- posterior_ampullary_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_periventricular_nucleus
- hasPart
- granular_layer_of_cerebellar_cortex
- hasPart
- superior_mesenteric_ganglion
- hasPart
- anterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- indusium_griseum
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_ulnar_nerve
- hasPart
- corticothalamic_fibres_of_sublentiform_limb
- hasPart
- perihypoglossal_nuclei
- hasPart
- temporal_lobe_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- pericallosal_cistern
- hasPart
- medial_ventral_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- trigeminal_lemniscus_of_pons
- hasPart
- supra-optic_fibres
- hasPart
- mesocortex
- hasPart
- ventral_pallidum_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- inferior_temporal_sulcus_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- inner_nuclear_layer_of_retina
- hasPart
- dorsomedial_nucleus_of_intermediate_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- lateral_plantar_nerve
- hasPart
- tectum_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- intermediate_cervical_septum
- hasPart
- lateral_septal_nucleus_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- nuclei_of_trapezoid_body
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- vaginal_nerves_female
- hasPart
- superior_trunk_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- occipitopontine_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- maxillary_nerve
- hasPart
- paracentral_lobule_of_parietal_lobe
- hasPart
- subcommissural_organ
- hasPart
- inferior_medullary_velum
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_accessory_nuclei_of_optic_tract
- hasPart
- retrotrigeminal_nucleus
- hasPart
- parieto-occipital_sulcus_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- spinoperiaqueductal_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- globus_pallidus_lateral_segment
- hasPart
- parafascicular_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- dural_limiting_layer_of_primary_meninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- inferior_olive
- hasPart
- lateral_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- spinobulbar_fibres_of_medulla
- hasPart
- anterior_paracentral_gyrus
- hasPart
- anterior_reticulospinal_tract
- hasPart
- median_nuclei_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- superficial_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_part_of_nucleus_accumbens
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- efferent_nerve_fibres
- hasPart
- median_nerve
- hasPart
- cerebro-cerebellar_fissure
- hasPart
- central_tegmental_tract_of_pons
- hasPart
- sensory_root_of_pterygopalatine_ganglion
- hasPart
- inferior_semilunar_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_VII_A
- hasPart
- pes_hippocampi
- hasPart
- anterior_commissure_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- paraterminal_gyrus
- hasPart
- stria
- hasPart
- molecular_layer_of_dentate_gyrus
- hasPart
- funiculus_separans
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- posterior_cerbellomedullary_cistern
- hasPart
- taenia_thalami
- hasPart
- suboccipital_nerve
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_basilar_part_of_pons
- hasPart
- ovarian_plexus
- hasPart
- nucleus
- hasPart
- intrabiventral_fissure
- hasPart
- alar_plate_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_thalamic_radiation_of_anterior_limb
- hasPart
- sacral_ganglia
- hasPart
- anterior_root_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- prevertebral_ganglia
- hasPart
- nasopalatine_nerve
- hasPart
- locus_caeruleus
- hasPart
- commissure_of_inferior_colliculus
- hasPart
- anterior_fasciculus_proprius
- hasPart
- future_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- zonal_subnucleus_of_spinal_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- dural_part_of_filum_terminale
- hasPart
- commissural_plate
- hasPart
- brain_stem
- hasPart
- ganglion
- hasPart
- subcallosal_area
- hasPart
- layer_of_nerve_fibres_of_retina
- hasPart
- accessory_phrenic_nerves_variation
- hasPart
- zygomaticofacial_branch_of_zygomatic_nerve
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_radial_nerve
- hasPart
- cerebral_gyri
- hasPart
- habenular_commissure_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- densocellular_part_of_medial_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- third_occipital_nerve
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_zygomatic_nerve
- hasPart
- subparabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- koniocellular_layer_of_dorsal_nucleus_of_lateral_geniculate_body
- hasPart
- trigeminal_lemniscus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_lateral_olfactory_tract
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_anterior_commissure_of_corona_radiata
- hasPart
- dorsal_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- inferior_hypogastric_plexus
- hasPart
- vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- medial_part_of_biventral_lobule_H_VIII_B
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- globus_pallidus_medial_segment
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_culmen_IV
- hasPart
- medial_septal_nucleus_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- cardiac_ganglia
- hasPart
- intraparietal_sulcus
- hasPart
- posterior_intermediate_sulcus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- zonal_layer_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- optic_sheaths
- hasPart
- region_I_of_hippocampus_proper
- hasPart
- rubro-olivary_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- future_olfactory_area
- hasPart
- gelatinous_substance_of_posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- future_body_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- claustrum
- hasPart
- posterior_median_sulcus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- thyrohyoid_branch_of_ansa_cervicalis
- hasPart
- vagus_nerve_X_right_and_left
- hasPart
- paralemniscal_nucleus
- hasPart
- suprapineal_recess
- hasPart
- cutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- medullary_striae_of_fourth_ventricle_of_white_substance
- hasPart
- hippocampus_primordium
- hasPart
- cavernous_plexus
- hasPart
- lateral_habenular_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_anal_nerves
- hasPart
- pelvic_ganglia
- hasPart
- palpebral_branches_of_infratrochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- paralaminar_part_of_medial_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- superior_part_of_ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- coeliac_branches_of_posterior_vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- middle_superior_alveolar_branch
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- medial_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- ventral_posterior_complex_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- striatum
- hasPart
- ventral_posterior_inferior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- spinoreticular_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- ambiguous_nucleus
- hasPart
- interfascicular_nucleus_of_hypoglossal_nerve
- hasPart
- internal_medullary_lamina_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- interpeduncular_nucleus
- hasPart
- medial_ventricular_eminence_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- central_intermediate_substance
- hasPart
- marginal_branch_of_cingulate_sulcus
- hasPart
- body_of_caudate_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_rectal_plexus
- hasPart
- olivocerebellar_tract
- hasPart
- medial_vestibulospinal_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- temporal_operculum
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_plexus
- hasPart
- inferior_mesenteric_plexus
- hasPart
- supra-optic_recess
- hasPart
- lunogracile_fissure
- hasPart
- inferior_lateral_cutaneous_nerve_of_arm
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_superficial_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- dorsal_branch_of_ulnar_nerve
- hasPart
- tibial_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_grey_commissure_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- paraolfactory_sulci
- hasPart
- superior_rectal_plexus
- hasPart
- central_medial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- area_postrema_of_pons
- hasPart
- oculomotor_nerve_III
- hasPart
- frontal_lobe_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- mesencephalic_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve_of_pons
- hasPart
- collateral_sulcus_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- spinal_lamina_VI
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- interpeduncular_fossa
- hasPart
- third_ventricle
- hasPart
- pial_part_of_filum_terminale
- hasPart
- occipitotemporal_sulcus_of_occipital_lobe
- hasPart
- zygomaticotemporal_branch_of_zygomatic_nerve
- hasPart
- future_septum_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- nasociliary_nerve
- hasPart
- genital_branch_of_genitofemoral_nerve
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_phrenic_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_superior_fissure_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- posterior_paragigantocellular_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- secondary_fissure_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- lateral_orbital_gyrus
- hasPart
- tangential_fibres_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- corticoreticular_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- parabrachial_nuclei
- hasPart
- medial_medullary_lamina_of_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- subthalamus
- hasPart
- spinotectal_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- hemisphere_of_cerebellum_H_II_-_H_X
- hasPart
- microglia
- hasPart
- cuneate_fasciculus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- funiculi_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- deep_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- supraclavicular_nerves
- hasPart
- posteromedial_part_of_red_nucleus
- hasPart
- projection_fibre
- hasPart
- medial_septal_nucleus
- hasPart
- saccular_nerve
- hasPart
- principial_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- auricular_branch_of_vagus
- hasPart
- ganglion_impar
- hasPart
- lateral_vestibulospinal_tract_of_medulla
- hasPart
- mental_nerve
- hasPart
- parieto-occipital_sulcus_of_occipital_lobe
- hasPart
- tail_of_caudate_nucleus
- hasPart
- head_of_caudate_nucleus
- hasPart
- interfascicular_nucleus_of_tegmentum_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- preculminate_fissure
- hasPart
- dorsal_scapular_nerve
- hasPart
- accessory_nuclei_of_optic_tract
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_pudendal_nerve
- hasPart
- accessory_obturator_nerve_variation
- hasPart
- lateral_posterior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- nerve_to_lateral_pterygoid
- hasPart
- pyramidal_layer_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- mixed_nerve
- hasPart
- parietal_lobe_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- bronchial_branches_of_vagus
- hasPart
- interlobar_sulci_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- magnocellular_division_of_ventral_anterior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- intermediate_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- buccal_branches_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- perifornical_nucleus
- hasPart
- basal_substance_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- posterior_part_of_anterior_commissure_of_corona_radiata
- hasPart
- biventral_lobule_H_VIII
- hasPart
- fissure_of_hypophysis
- hasPart
- hypoglossal_trigone
- hasPart
- thalamic_fasciculus
- hasPart
- oesophageal_plexus_anterior_and_posterior
- hasPart
- spino-olivary_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- grey_line
- hasPart
- inferior_part_of_ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- greater_petrosal_nerve_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- saphenous_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_fovea
- hasPart
- medial_nucleus_of_medial_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- inferior_palpebral_branches_of_infra-orbital_nerve
- hasPart
- inferior_frontal_sulcus
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_lateral_parabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- cerebral_sulci
- hasPart
- cranial_pia_mater
- hasPart
- minor_forceps
- hasPart
- diencephalic_part_of_interventricular_foramen
- hasPart
- corticothalamic_fibres_of_posterior_limb
- hasPart
- lumbar_splanchnic_nerves
- hasPart
- external_capsule
- hasPart
- folium_of_vermis_VII_A
- hasPart
- spino-olivary_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- interthalamic_adhesion_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- ilio-inguinal_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- spinoreticular_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- anterolateral_sulcus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- anterior_spinocerebellar_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- secondary_visceral_grey_substance_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- anococcygeal_nerve
- hasPart
- interfascicular_fasciculus
- hasPart
- lateral_tuberal_nuclei_of_lateral_hypothalamic_area
- hasPart
- anterior_cutaneous_branches_of_femoral_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_accessory_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_cerebellar_peduncle_of_medulla
- hasPart
- trunks_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- alar_column
- hasPart
- pudendal_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_median_fissure_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- paracentral_sulcus
- hasPart
- hypoglossal_nerve_XII
- hasPart
- lamina_of_septum_pellucidum
- hasPart
- ventral_premammillary_nucleus
- hasPart
- superior_temporal_gyrus
- hasPart
- terminal_ventricle
- hasPart
- commissure_of_superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- posterior_raphe_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- paraolfactory_area
- hasPart
- long_thoracic_nerve
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- internal_carotid_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_ascending_ramus_of_lateral_cerebral_sulcus
- hasPart
- prelaminar_part_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- stria_medullaris_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_lateral_funiculus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- arachnoid_granulations
- hasPart
- caudal_nucleus_of_zona_incerta
- hasPart
- autonomic_ganglion
- hasPart
- paranigral_nucleus
- hasPart
- hilum_of_dentate_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_olivary_complex
- hasPart
- inner_sheath_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- inferior_temporal_sulcus_of_temporal_lobe
- hasPart
- parabrachial_pigmented_nucleus
- hasPart
- rostrum_of_corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- inferior_longitudinal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- lumbar_part_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- medullary_reticulospinal_fibres
- hasPart
- coccygeal_plexus
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- non-chromaffin_paraganglion
- hasPart
- nuclei_of_solitary_tract
- hasPart
- posterior_cochlear_nucleus
- hasPart
- autonomic_nerve_fibres
- hasPart
- medial_dorsal_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- fasciolar_gyrus
- hasPart
- lumbosacral_intumescence
- hasPart
- buccal_nerve
- hasPart
- white_ramus_communicans
- hasPart
- cerebellar_fissures
- hasPart
- cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- uncinate_fasciculus_of_forebrain
- hasPart
- occipitotemporal_sulcus_of_temporal_lobe
- hasPart
- white_substance_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- rubronuclear_tract
- hasPart
- medial_pulvinar_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- lateral_spinothalamic_tract
- hasPart
- trunk_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- medial_forebrain_bundle
- hasPart
- inferior_gluteal_nerve
- hasPart
- accessory_cuneate_nucleus
- hasPart
- basal_nuclei_and_related_structures
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- intra-ocular_part_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- spinal_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve_of_pons
- hasPart
- obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- intermediomedial_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- superior_semilunar_lobule_of_cerebellum_H_VII_A
- hasPart
- amiculum_of_olive
- hasPart
- tela_choroidea_of_fourth_ventricle_of_pia_mater
- hasPart
- marginal_precentral_sulcus_variation
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- basomedial_amygdaloid_nucleus
- hasPart
- vertebral_ganglion_variation
- hasPart
- caudal_pontine_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- choroid_plexus_of_lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- interpeduncular_cistern
- hasPart
- insular_gyri
- hasPart
- lateral_pericuneate_nucleus
- hasPart
- corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- middle_cerebellar_peduncle_of_pons
- isPartOf
- Carnegie_Stage_20
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve_nuclei_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- tectoreticular_fibres
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_meningeal_branch
- hasPart
- central_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- corticorubral_fibres
- hasPart
- epithalamus
- hasPart
- basilar_part_of_pons
- hasPart
- ganglionic_branches_to_pterygopalatine_ganglion_of_maxillary_nerve
- hasPart
- principal_division_of_ventral_anterior_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- posterior_spinocerebellar_tract_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- retrorubral_part_of_substantia_nigra
- hasPart
- choroid_membrane_of_third_ventricle_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- lateral_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- anterior_nucleus_of_trapezoid_body
- hasPart
- parasubiculum
- hasPart
- sublingual_ganglion
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_origin
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_optic_tract
- hasPart
- cervical_nerves_C1-C8
- hasPart
- posterior_lobe_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- inferior_colliculus_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- superior_salivatory_nucleus
- hasPart
- optic_radiation_of_retrolentiform_limb
- hasPart
- anterolateral_nucleus_of_principal_sensory_nucleus_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- anterior_spinothalamic_tract
- hasPart
- submedial_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- fibre
- hasPart
- anterior_branch_of_medial_cutaneous_nerve_of_forearm
- hasPart
- articular_branch_of_mixed_nerve
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_axillary_nerve
- hasPart
- pretecto-olivary_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- posterior_branch_of_obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- lateral_cervical_nucleus
- hasPart
- interlobar_sulci_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- digastric_branch_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- grey_substance_of_midbrain_tegmentum
- hasPart
- mammillothalamic_fasciculus
- hasPart
- great_auricular_nerve
- hasPart
- subiculum_of_hippocampus
- hasPart
- vagal_trigone
- hasPart
- central_part_of_cuneate_nucleus
- hasPart
- cuneus
- hasPart
- tapetum
- hasPart
- periventricular_preoptic_nucleus
- hasPart
- olfactory_trigone
- hasPart
- caeruleospinal_tract
- hasPart
- lateral_branch_of_posterior_ramus_of_thoracic_nerve
- hasPart
- tectobulbar_tract_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- splenium_of_corpus_callosum
- hasPart
- lamina_affixa
- hasPart
- anterior_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- pulvinar_nuclei
- hasPart
- external_carotid_plexus
- hasPart
- gelatinous_solitary_nucleus
- hasPart
- neural_lumen
- hasPart
- flocculus_H_X
- hasPart
- anterior_transverse_temporal_gyrus
- hasPart
- paraventricular_nuclei_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- future_cerebral_peduncles
- hasPart
- dorsal_ventricular_sulci
- hasPart
- spinoreticular_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- cerebellar_cortex
- hasPart
- perineurium
- hasPart
- zona_incerta
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_ganglion
- hasPart
- tuber_of_vermis_VII_B
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- supralemniscal_nucleus
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- ventral_intermediate_nucleus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- periventricular_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- lateral_zone_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- brain
- hasPart
- endopeduncular_nucleus
- hasPart
- temporal_branches_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- leptomeninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- gracile_fasciculus_of_medullary_white_matter
- hasPart
- intermediate_supraclavicular_nerves
- hasPart
- lateral_calcaneal_branches_of_sural_nerve
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_ciliary_ganglion_of_trigeminal_nerve
- hasPart
- spinocervical_tract
- hasPart
- submaxillary_ganglion_primordium
- hasPart
- pericardial_branch_of_phrenic_nerve
- hasPart
- cerebral_peduncle
- hasPart
- occipitopontine_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- anterolateral_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- tentorial_notch
- hasPart
- lingual_fibres_of_transverse_occipital_fasciculi
- hasPart
- utricular_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_scrotal_nerves_male
- hasPart
- central_sulcus_of_superolateral_face
- hasPart
- lateral_occipitotemporal_gyrus_of_temporal_lobe
- hasPart
- compact_part_of_substantia_nigra
- hasPart
- spinotectal_fibres_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- periarterial_plexus
- hasPart
- superior_margin_of_cerebral_hemisphere
- hasPart
- inferior_cervical_ganglion_inconstant
- hasPart
- chiasmatic_cistern
- hasPart
- corticospinal_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- vesical_plexus
- hasPart
- stria_of_molecular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- olfactory_tubercle
- hasPart
- septomarginal_fasciculus
- hasPart
- bulboreticulospinal_tract
- hasPart
- communicating_branch_with_glossopharyngeal_nerve_of_vagus
- hasPart
- declive_VI
- hasPart
- intermediolateral_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- cave_of_septum_pellucidum
- hasPart
- mammillary_area_of_hypothalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- region_II_of_hippocampus_proper
- hasPart
- medial_part_of_globus_pallidus
- hasPart
- pineal_recess
- hasPart
- posterior_tegmental_nucleus
- hasPart
- tegmental_decussations
- hasPart
- hypogastric_plexus
- hasPart
- otic_ganglion
- hasPart
- tela_choroidea_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- medial_longitudinal_stria
- hasPart
- grey_ramus_communicans
- hasPart
- lamina_of_grey_matter
- hasPart
- long_association_fibres_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- lumbar_plexus
- hasPart
- tegmentum_of_pons
- hasPart
- spinohypothalamic_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- external_branch_of_superior_laryngeal_branch
- hasPart
- solitariospinal_tract
- hasPart
- anterior_hypothalamic_area
- hasPart
- subthalamic_fasciculus_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- pontocerebellar_fibres
- hasPart
- reticular_nuclei_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- frontopontine_fibres_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- uvula_of_vermis_IX
- hasPart
- common_plantar_digital_nerves_of_medial_plantar_nerve
- hasPart
- orbital_part_of_inferior_frontal_gyrus
- hasPart
- major_forceps
- hasPart
- neuroglia_of_peripheral_nervous_system
- hasPart
- dorsomedial_nucleus_of_dorsal_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- cerebello-olivary_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- anterior_spinocerebellar_tract_of_medulla
- hasPart
- afferent_nerve_fibres
- hasPart
- transverse_temporal_gyri
- hasPart
- decussation_of_medial_lemniscus
- hasPart
- lumbar_ganglia
- hasPart
- raphe_nuclei_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- nerve_to_mylohyoid
- hasPart
- sublentiform_limb_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- cerebrospinal_fluid_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- lateral_groove_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- lateral_lamella_of_principal_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule
- hasPart
- pyramid_of_medulla
- hasPart
- lateral_parabrachial_nucleus
- hasPart
- brachium_of_inferior_colliculus
- hasPart
- tonsillar_branches_of_lesser_palatine_nerves
- hasPart
- superior_colliculus
- hasPart
- spinocuneate_fibres
- hasPart
- hippocampal_sulcus
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- superior_cerebellar_peduncle
- hasPart
- uterovaginal_plexus_female
- hasPart
- posterior_nucleus_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- dorsal_nerve_of_penis_male
- hasPart
- paramedian_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- grey_columns_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- temporal_plane_of_temporal_lobe
- hasPart
- interventricular_foramen_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- posterolateral_sulcus_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- medial_cervical_nucleus
- hasPart
- lateral_part_of_substantia_nigra
- hasPart
- phrenic_ganglia
- hasPart
- juxtarestiform_body_of_white_medullary_substance
- hasPart
- posterior_median_septum_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- pontine_raphe_nucleus
- hasPart
- habenular_trigone
- hasPart
- sympathetic_ganglion
- hasPart
- superior_cervical_cardiac_nerve
- hasPart
- glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- molecular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- vestibular_area
- hasPart
- capsule_of_ganglion
- hasPart
- oesophageal_plexus_of_vagus
- hasPart
- nucleus_of_ventral_field_of_subthalamus_H2
- hasPart
- middle_frontal_gyrus
- hasPart
- central_tegmental_tract_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- spinovestibular_tract_of_medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- diencephalon
- hasPart
- triangular_nucleus_of_septum_of_amygdaloid_body
- hasPart
- sensory_root_of_submandibular_ganglion
- hasPart
- subthalamic_fasciculus_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- dorsal_lamella_of_principal_olivary_nucleus
- hasPart
- future_lateral_cutaneous_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- visceral_plexus
- hasPart
- gigantocellular_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- neuroglia_of_central_nervous_system
- hasPart
- future_superior_colliculi
- hasPart
- medial_longitudinal_fasciculus_of_pons
- hasPart
- lateral_raphespinal_tract_of_medulla
- hasPart
- peripeduncular_nucleus_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- rubrospinal_tract_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- inferior_precentral_sulcus
- hasPart
- collateral_trigone
- hasPart
- lateral_branch_of_posterior_ramus_of_lumbar_nerve
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- dorsal_hypothalamic_area
- hasPart
- dorsal_pallidum
- hasPart
- inferior_cerebellar_peduncle_of_white_medullary_substance
- hasPart
- lateral_cutaneous_nerve_of_thigh
- hasPart
- superior_ganglion_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- least_splanchnic_nerve
- hasPart
- base_of_posterior_horn_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- peduncular_nucleus_of_pons
- hasPart
- dorsal_digital_branches_of_radial_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_interosseous_nerve
- hasPart
- brachium_of_superior_colliculus_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- marginal_nucleus_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- tectopontine_tract_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- subparietal_sulcus_of_parietal_lobe
- hasPart
- meninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- pachymeninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- transverse_occipital_sulcus
- hasPart
- internal_granular_layer_of_isocortex
- hasPart
- muscular_branches_of_anterior_branch_of_obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_column_of_fornix_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- ambient_cistern
- hasPart
- suprarenal_plexus
- hasPart
- lateral_paragigantocellular_reticular_nucleus
- hasPart
- parietopontine_fibres_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- periventricular_fibres_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- superior_cerebellar_peduncle_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- compact_part_of_pedunculopontine_tegmental_nucleus
- hasPart
- inferior_branch_of_oculomotor_nerve
- hasPart
- superior_mesenteric_plexus
- hasPart
- neocerebellum
- hasPart
- spinocerebellum
- hasPart
- posterior_cord_of_brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- cervical_part_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- medial_zone_of_hypothalamus
- hasPart
- chromaffin_paraganglion
- hasPart
- external_medullary_lamina_of_thalamus
- hasPart
- neurohypophysial_primordium
- hasPart
- archicerebellum
- hasPart
- anterior_part_of_anterior_cochlear_nucleus
- hasPart
- intralaminar_part_of_optic_nerve
- hasPart
- grey_matter
- hasPart
- spinobulbar_fibres_of_pons
- hasPart
- caudal_part_of_ventral_posterolateral_nucleus