name oculomotor_nerve_III namespace parent cranial_nerve label [en] oculomotor nerve [III] label [med] Nervus oculomotorius [III] comment [en] It supplies all the extrinsic muscles of the eye, except the lateral rectus and superior oblique; it also supplies the levator palpebrae superioris, and conveys presynaptic parasympathetic fibers to the ciliary ganglion for innervation of the ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae; its origin is in the midbrain below the cerebral aqueduct; it emerges from the brain in the interpeduncular fossa pierces the dura mater to the side of the posterior clinoid process, passes in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus and enters the orbit through the superior orbital fissure organNo [] 23030 nameGermanSynonym [] III. Hirnnerv speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0003386 comment [de] Ursprungskern: Nucleus nervus oculomotorii im Mittelhirn, verläuft nach Austritt durch die Fossa interpeduncularis rostralwärts lateral des Processus clinoideus posterior, dann durch die Dura, in die obere Wand des Sinus cavernosus und durch die mediale Fissura orbitalis superior in die Augenhöhle, dort oberer Ast für Musculi rectus superior und levator palpebrae superior, unterer für Musculi rectus medialis und inferior, obliquus inferior; von seinem unteren Ast Fasern zum Ganglion ciliare, wo seine parasympathischen Fasern verschaltet werden für den Musculus sphinkter pupillae und Musculus ciliare. label [de] Okulomotorius nameEnglishSynonym [] third cranial nerve, motor oculi, nerve III nameMedicineSynonym [] Nervus oculomotorius tertius hasCell isOriginOf branch_to_ciliary_ganglion_of_oculomotor_nerve locatedIn superior_orbital_fissure leadsInto ciliary_ganglion isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasOriginIn accessory_oculomotor_nucleus isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 locatedIn cavernous_sinus isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 innervates ciliary_muscle isPartOf isOriginOf inferior_branch_of_oculomotor_nerve innervates superior_rectus_muscle hasOriginIn oculomotor_nucleus isOriginOf superior_branch_of_oculomotor_nerve innervates inferior_rectus_muscle innervates inferior_oblique_muscle_of_head_ isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 innervates medial_rectus_muscle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 innervates sphincter_pupillae