name olfactory_bulb namespace parent part_of_brain speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] olfactory lobe ACC [] cy0000531 label [de] Riechkolben comment [en] Ovoid body resting on the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone where the olfactory nerve terminates; the grayish expanded rostral extremity of the olfactory tract, receiving the olfactory filaments comment [de] auf der Lamina cribosa des Siebbeins gelegene Anschwellung des Riechlappens am Beginn des Tractus olfactorius; nimmt die Riechnerven auf und enthält die das 2. Riechbahn-Neuron bildenden Mitralzellen label [en] olfactory bulb organNo [] 1133 label [med] Bulbus olfactorius hasPart olfactory_peduncle hasPart olfactory_tubercle isPartOf amygdaloid_body isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf future_olfactory_area isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 hasPart olfactory_trigone hasCell isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18