name optic_chiasm namespace parent part_of_nerve label [de] Sehnervenkreuzung organNo [] 21243 label [med] Chiasma opticum comment [en] The x-shaped partial decussation on the undersurface of the hypothalamus through which the optic nerves are continuous with the brain label [en] optic chiasm speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] nameMedicineSynonym [] Chiasma annotationRemark [] nameEnglishSynonym [] optic chiasma, decussation of optic nerve fibers comment [de] befindet sich nahe der Hirnanhangsdrüse, dort laufen die Sehnerven beider Augen zusammen und tauschen etwa die Hälfte aller Fasern aus; es kreuzen die Fasern der nasal gelegenen Netzhautanteile ACC [] cy0001698 hasCell isPartOf adult adjacentTo hypothalamus isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasCell isPartOf chiasmatic_plate_of_diencephalon hasCell astrocyte