name otocyst namespace parent part_of_vestibulocochlear_organ speciesNo [] 86 label [de] Gehörbläschen ACC [] cy0008310 comment [de] Beidseits des Rautenhirns angelegtes Ohrbläschen, das aus der Ohrplakode und dem Ohrgrübchen hervorgeht. Aus dem Ohrbläschen geht schließlich das Innenohr hervor. annotationRemark [] dka organNo [] 80363 label [med] Otocyst comment [en] On both sides of the hindbrain the otocyst is located. It derives from the otic placode and the otic pit. All parts of the inner ear differentiate from the otocyst. label [en] Otocyst nameGermanSynonym [] Ohrbläschen hasPart epithelium_of_otocyst isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13 hasPart associated_mesenchyme_of_otocyst__otic_vesicle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 hasPart endolymphatic_appendage isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_12 hasPart future_vestibulocochlear_part