name ovarian_artery_right_and_left_female namespace parent artery_of_trunk ACC [] cy0002017 comment [de] Äste der Bauchaorta; verlaufen über den Musculus psoas major (rechts auch über die untere Hohlvene) und den Harnleiter unter Überkreuzung der Arteria iliaca durch das Ligamentum suspensorium zum Eierstock; Versorgungsgebiet: Eierstock, Eileiterampulle, Harnleiter label [med] Arteria ovarica (dexter et sinister) (femininum) annotationRemark [] label [de] Eierstock-Arterie (rechte und linke) (weiblich) nameMedicineSynonym [] label [en] ovarian artery (right and left) (female) speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] Two arteries in the female, arise from the aorta below the renal arteries with one on each side, and are distributed to the ovaries with branches supplying the ureters, the fallopian tubes, the labia majora, and the groin nameGermanSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] organNo [] 21601 isPartOf isOriginOf tubal_branches_of_ovarian_artery_female hasOriginIn abdominal_aorta supplies ovary isOriginOf ureteric_branches_of_ovarian_artery_female