name ovarian_suspensory_ligament_of_peritoneum namespace parent urogenital_peritoneum comment [de] Bauchfellfalte von der Extremitas tubaria des Eierstocks zur seitlichen Beckenwand aufsteigend ACC [] cy0004658 comment [en] A band of peritoneum that extends upward from the upper pole of the ovary; it contains the ovarian vessels and ovarian plexus of nerves nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Ligamentum suspensorium ovarii peritonei (femininum) speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] infundibulopelvic ligament of peritoneum (female) label [en] ovarian suspensory ligament of peritoneum annotationRemark [] dka nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 24320 label [de] connectWith ovary isPartOf