name palatine_tonsil namespace parent tonsil speciesNo [] 86 label [de] Gaumenmandel ACC [] cy0000969 organNo [] 20441 label [en] palatine tonsil comment [de] paariges Organ aus lymphatischem Gewebe, die Gaumenmandeln bilden zusammen mit der Rachenmandel und den Zungenmandeln den lymphatischen Rachenring comment [en] Either of a pair of prominent masses of lymphoid tissue that lie one on each side of the throat between the anterior and posterior pillars of the fauces and are composed of lymph follicles grouped around one or more deep crypts, and except for the exposed surface which is covered only by epithelium are surrounded by diffuse lymphoid tissue in a fibrous capsule label [med] Tonsilla palatina hasPart tonsillar_pits_of_palatine_tonsil isPartOf pharyngeal_lymphoid_ring hasPart tonsillar_crypts_of_palatine_tonsil hasPart crypts_of_tonsil forms pharyngeal_lymphoid_ring adjacentTo palatoglossal_arch isPartOf adjacentTo palatopharyngeal_arch isPartOf hasPart tonsillar_cleft isPartOf fauces containedIn tonsillar_fossa hasPart tonsillar_capsule_of_palatine_tonsil