name paraolfactory_area namespace parent part_of_brain organNo [] 81338 label [med] Area paraolfactoria ACC [] cy0008875 comment [de] ein Feld unterhalb des Balkenschnabels auf der medialen Fläche des Stirnlappens des Gehirns label [de] comment [en] A small region of cerebral cortex on the medial surface of the frontal lobe, formed by the junction of the straight gyrus with the cingulate gyrus annotationRemark [] dka nameEnglishSynonym [] subcallosal area speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] Area subcallosa label [en] paraolfactory area nameGermanSynonym [] hasPart paraolfactory_gyri hasPart paraolfactory_sulci isPartOf frontal_lobe_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces