name parietal_bone namespace parent neurocranium speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Os parietale (dexter and sinister) comment [en] Either of a pair of membrane bones of the roof of the skull between the frontal and occipital bones that are large and quadrilateral in outline, meet in the sagittal suture, and form much of the top and sides of the cranium; it articulates with its fellow medially, with the frontal bone anteriorly, the occipital bone posteriorly, and the temporal bone and sphenoid bone inferiorly label [en] parietal bone (right and left) comment [de] paarig, als Teil der Schädelkapsel zwischen Hinterhauptbein, Stirnbein und Schläfenbein, in der Sutura sagittalis dem der Gegenseite angrenzend ACC [] cy0050619 organNo [] 1202 label [de] Scheitelbein forms sagittal_suture hasPart internal_surface_of_parietal_bone hasPart parietal_foramen hasPart groove_for_superior_sagittal_sulcus_of_parietal_bone hasPart parietal_tuber_right_and_left hasPart external_surface_of_parietal_bone forms squamomastoid_suture isPartOf lambdoid_suture isPartOf parietomastoid_suture hasPart inferior_parietal_bone_variation isPartOf coronal_suture hasPart permagna_parietal_foramen_variation forms lambdoid_suture hasPart accessory_bones_of_frontal_bone isPartOf sagittal_suture hasPart granular_foveolae hasPart mastoid_angle_of_parietal_bone hasPart superior_temporal_line_of_parietal_bone isPartOf sphenoparietal_suture hasPart squamosal_border_of_parietal_bone hasPart accessory_bones_of_parietal_bone hasPart frontal_border_of_parietal_bone forms coronal_suture hasPart superior_parietal_bone_variation hasPart sphenoidal_angle_of_parietal_bone hasPart saggital_border_of_parietal_bone hasPart frontal_angle_of_parietal_bone hasPart inferior_temporal_line_of_parietal_bone hasPart occipital_border_of_parietal_bone hasPart occipital_angle_of_parietal_bone isPartOf horizontal_parietal_suture_variation