name pericyte_of_blood_capillary namespace parent cell precursorNo [] 962 comment [en] surround the bloot-capillaries; function: Contraction, Phagocytosis. label [en] pericyte of blood capillary speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] Adventitiazelle ACC [] cy0011275 label [de] Perizyt der Blutkapillaren annotationRemark [] elf cellSystemNo [] 962 cellNo [] 625 nameMedicineSynonym [] Periangiocytus nameEnglishSynonym [] Rouget cell, adventitial cell, pericapillary cell, perithelial cell, pericyte label [med] Pericytus comment [de] sternförmige, kontraktile Zelle des Kapillarendothels; mesenchymalen Ursprungs; Möglichkeit der Differenzierung zu Myofibroblasten nach Gewebeverletzung. isCellOf isCellOf