name pharyngeal_branch_of_vagus namespace parent branches_of_nerves nameGermanSynonym [] label [med] Ramus pharyngeus nervi vagi speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] Conveys motor fibers from the cranial root of the accesory nerve to the pharyngeal constricto muscles, the intrinsic muscles of the soft palate and the levator palati muscle; may also bring some general sensory fibers to the pharyngeal fibers label [de] Ast des Nervus vagus für den Rachen annotationRemark [] dka nameEnglishSynonym [] vagal pharyngeal branch, pharyngeal branch of tenth cranial nerve nameMedicineSynonym [] Ramus pharyngealis nervi vagi organNo [] 23239 ACC [] cy0003593 comment [de] label [en] pharyngeal branch of vagus isPartOf adult hasPart pharyngeal_plexus hasOriginIn vagus_nerve_X_right_and_left