name platysma namespace parent neck_muscle label [med] Platysma label [de] flacher Hautmuskel am Hals label [en] platysma comment [en] A broad thin layer of muscle that is situated on each side of the neck immediately under the superficial fascia belonging to the group of facial muscles, that is innervated by the facial nerve, and that draws the lower lip and the corner of the mouth to the side and down and when moved forcefully expands the neck and draws its skin upward comment [de] der flache, breite mimische Hautmuskel; entspringt oberhalb des Unterkieferrandes in die Gesichtshaut und zieht zur Brusthaut in Höhe der 2.Rippe speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 20679 ACC [] cy0001187 nameMedicineSynonym [] Musculus platysma myoides, Musculus platysma, Musculus subcutaneus colli, Musculus tetragonus isSuppliedBy submental_artery isFedBy submental_vein isPartOf cranial_skeletal_muscle