name posterior_spinocerebellar_tract_of_spinal_cord namespace parent part_of_spinal_cord parent neural_pathway label [de] Flechsig-Bündel des Rückenmarks nameEnglishSynonym [] dorsal spinocerebellar tract of spinal cord, Flechsig 's tract speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior medullae spinalis organNo [] 25420 ACC [] cy0005750 comment [en] A compact bundle of heavily myelinated, thick fibers at the periphery of the dorsal half of the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord annotationRemark [] dka comment [de] die hintere Kleinhirn-Seitenstrang-Bahn von den Zellen des Nucleus dorsalis im Seitenstrang aufwärts und durch Oblongata und Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior zur Rinde des Kleinhirnwurms label [en] posterior spinocerebellar tract of spinal cord nameMedicineSynonym [] Tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis medullae spinalis hasCell astrocyte leadsInto vermis_of_cerebellum_I_-_X hasCell hasCell isPartOf lateral_funiculus_of_spinal_cord