name posterior_superior_alveolar_artery namespace parent artery_of_mouth_and_jaw label [en] posterior superior alveolar artery label [de] hintere obere Zahnfächer-Arterie comment [en] Origin: 3rd part of maxillary artery within pterygopalatine fossa; distribution: molar and premolar teeth, gingiva and mucous membrane of maxillary sinus comment [de] Ast der Arteria maxillaris; Versorgungsgebiet: Oberkiefermolaren, Kieferhöhle label [med] Arteria alveolaris superior posterior isOriginOf peridental_branches_of_posterior_superior_alveolar_artery supplies buccinator_muscle isPartOf isOriginOf dental_branches_of_posterior_superior_alveolar_artery hasOriginIn maxillary_artery isPartOf adult