name pulmonary_alveolus_of_left_lung namespace parent part_of_alveolar_sac_of_left_lung label [en] pulmonary alveolus of left lung speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 20926 ACC [] cy0001420 nameGermanSynonym [] nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Alveolus pulmonis sinistri label [de] Lungenbläschen der linken Lunge comment [en] One of the thin-walled saclike terminal dilations of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs across which gas exchange occurs between alveolar air and the pulmonary capillaries annotationRemark [] nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [de] seitliche Ausstülpungen der Ductuli alveolares; Gasaustausch; Blut-Luft-Schranke hasPart alveolar_septa_of_left_lung isPartOf alveolar_sac_of_left_lung hasPart alveolocapillary_membrane_of_left_lung_ hasPart alveolar_wall_of_left_lung isPartOf adult