name pyramidal_lobe_of_thyroid_gland_variation namespace parent part_of_thyroid_gland organNo [] 21253 speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0001707 nameGermanSynonym [] label [med] Lobus pyramidalis (Variatio) nameEnglishSynonym [] Lallouette's pyramid label [en] pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland (variation) nameMedicineSynonym [] label [de] Pyramidenlappen der Schilddrüse (Variation) comment [de] mit dem Zungenbein verbundener schmaler Fortsatz von Schilddrüsengewebe; kranial des Isthmus, median vor dem Kehlkopf; kaudaler Rest des Ductus thyroglossus comment [en] A conical lobe of the thyroid gland that varies in shape and position but is often found on the cranial part of the isthmus joining the right and left lobes of the gland or on the adjacent part of either lobe and that may project upward to the hyoid bone annotationRemark [] hasCell endocrine_glandulocyte