name reticular_nucleus_of_thalamus namespace parent nucleus annotationRemark [] dka label [med] Nucleus reticularis thalami label [en] reticular nucleus of thalamus label [de] speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 26053 nameMedicineSynonym [] Nuclei reticulares thalami, Nucleus reticulatus thalami, Reticulatum thalami Hassleri comment [de] dünne, durch kreuzende Fasern aufgelockerte graue Schicht an der Außenfläche des Thalamus ACC [] cy0006383 nameGermanSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] thalamic reticular nucleus, reticular nuclear group, reticular nucleus of the thalamus, reticular nucleus-2 comment [en] A sheet of fairly large neurons covering the lateral, ventral, and rostral surfaces of the thalamus hasCell isPartOf grey_substance_of_thalamus hasCell hasCell astrocyte hasCell adrenergic_cell_in_area_postrema_and_anterior_reticular_nucleus