name rhombencephalon namespace parent part_of_brain ACC [] cy0000506 comment [de] der vom oberen Rand der Brücke bis zum ersten Spinalnervenpaar reichende Gehirnanteil; wird unterteilt in das Hinterhirn das von der Brücke und dem Kleinhirn gebildet wird, und dem Nachhirn, das fließend in das Rückenmark übergeht speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 1057 label [med] Rhombencephalon nameEnglishSynonym [] hindbrain, hindbrain vesicle label [en] rhombencephalon comment [en] The part of the developing brain that is the most caudal of the three primary vesicles of the embryonic neural tube; secondarily divided into metencephalon and myelencephalon; it includes the pons, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata label [de] Rautenhirn hasPart lateral_wall_of_rhombencephalon isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13 hasPart cranial_nerve_nuclei_of_rhombencephalon isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 hasPart rhombomere_5 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_12 hasPart medulla_oblongata hasPart future_metencephalon isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart marginal_layer_of_rhombencephalon hasPart rhombomere_4 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 hasPart rhombomere_2 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 hasPart metencephalon hasPart rhombomere_8 differentiatesInto future_metencephalon hasPart rhombomere_1 hasPart floor_plate_of_rhombencephalon_future_brain differentiatesInto future_myelencephalon hasPart myelencephalon hasPart rhombomere_3 hasPart rhombomere_7 hasPart roof_plate_of_rhombencephalon hasPart rhombomere_6 isPartOf future_brain isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 hasPart meninx_of_rhombencephalon derivesFrom neural_tube differentiatesInto fourth_ventricle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18