name right_gastro-epiploic_artery namespace parent artery_of_trunk ACC [] cy0000756 label [en] right gastro-epiploic artery label [de] rechte Magen-Netz-Arterie nameEnglishSynonym [] right gastro-omental artery comment [en] Origin: gastroduodenal artery; distribution: greater curvature and walls of stomach and greater omentum; anastomoses: frequently unites with left gastroepiploic artery, and branches from this arch anastomose with branches of right and left gastric artery comment [de] Fortsetzungsast der Arteria gastroduodenalis im großen Netz entlang der großen Magenkurvatur; Äste für Magen und großes Netz; Verbindung zur Arteria gastro-epiploica sinistra; Vesorgungsgebiet: Magen nameMedicineSynonym [] Arteria gastroomentalis dextra label [med] Arteria gastroepiploica dextra organNo [] 20198 speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] nameGermanSynonym [] isOriginOf omental_branches_of_right_gastro-omental_artery supplies stomach hasOriginIn gastroduodenal_artery isPartOf isOriginOf gastric_branches_of_right_gastro-omental_artery