name right_ovarian_vein_female namespace parent vein_of_trunk organNo [] 21602 speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] label [med] Vena ovarica dextra (femininum) comment [en] Two veins in the female with one on each side that drain a venous plexus in the broad ligament of the same side, empty on the right into the inferior vena cava comment [de] Vene vom Eierstock (Plexus im Ligamentum latum) rechts direkt in die Vena cava inferior annotationRemark [] nameMedicineSynonym [] label [de] rechte Eierstock-Vene (weiblich) ACC [] cy0002018 label [en] right ovarian vein (female) isPartOf isPartOf inferior_vena_cava