name secondary_ovarian_follicle namespace parent part_of_ovary speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] vesicular ovarian follicle label [med] Folliculi ovarici secondarii organNo [] 21281 comment [de] die Eizelle nimmt an Größe zu, das umgebende Epithel wird mehrschichtig; flüssigkeitsgefüllter Hohlraum ACC [] cy0001731 label [en] secondary ovarian follicle label [de] Sekundärfollikel comment [en] A follicle in which the oocyte attains its full size and is surrounded by an extracellular glycoprotein layer that separates it from a peripheral layer of follicular cells permeated by one or more fluid-filled antra; the theca of the follicle develops into internal and external layers nameMedicineSynonym [] Folliculi ovarici vesiculosus isPartOf ovary isPartOf adult hasPart atretic_follicle isPartOf ovarian_follicle isPartOf isPartOf hasPart stratified_follicle_epithelium_of_secondary_ovarian_follicle