name secretory_cell_of_endometrium namespace parent cell ACC [] cy0011402 annotationRemark [] cellSystemNo [] 962 comment [de] Zelle des Endometriums, die ein glykoproteinhaltiges Sekret bildet, das die Anheftung des Keimes an das Oberflächenepithel ermöglicht. nameMedicineSynonym [] cellNo [] 773 precursorNo [] 962 speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] Secretion of an thick and rich in glycogen material, which provides nutrition for the fertilized ovum label [de] sekretorisch-aktive Zelle des Endometriums nameGermanSynonym [] label [en] secretory cell of endometrium nameEnglishSynonym [] nonciliated cell label [med] Exocrinocytus mucosus isCellOf