name sella_turcica namespace parent part_of_head comment [de] Vertiefung der Schädelhöhlenbasis, in der Hypophyse liegend; Knochenvorsprung des Keilbeins an der inneren Schädelbasis; teilt die mittlere Schädelgrube in eine rechte und linke Hälfte label [en] sella turcica ACC [] cy0001324 speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 20824 label [med] Sella turcica label [de] Türkensattel comment [en] A transverse depression crossing the midline on the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone and containing the pituitary gland hasPart hypophysial_fossa hasPart posterior_clinoid_process locationOf pituitary_gland_of_diencephalon isPartOf forms hypophysial_fossa hasPart dorsum_sellae locationOf part_of_pituitary_gland_of_diencephalon hasPart tubercle_of_sella_turcica isPartOf body_of_sphenoid hasPart middle_clinoid_process_variation