name septum_transversum_of_future_diaphragm namespace parent components_of_future_diaphragm organNo [] 82450 comment [en] first primordium of the future diaphragm. it becomes the later centrum tendineum label [med] Septum transversum diaphragmae futurae comment [de] erste Anlage des Zwerchfells, es wird später zum Zentrum tendineum des endgültigen Zwerchfells. speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka label [en] septum transversum of future diaphragm ACC [] cy0009945 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isPartOf future_diaphragm isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 differentiatesInto tendinal_center_of_diaphragm