name sphenoid_bone namespace parent part_of_neurocranium parent pneumatized_bone parent neurocranium label [en] sphenoid bone comment [de] Knochen der Schädelbasis; grenzt an Stirnbein, Hinterhauptbein, Schläfenbein und Scheitelbein, besteht aus Keilbeinkörper, großer und kleiner Keilbeinflügel, Processus pterygoideus und Sinus sphenoidalis label [de] Keilbein speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0050415 nameEnglishSynonym [] sphenoid (right and left) label [med] Os sphenoidale (dexter and sinister) organNo [] 1204 comment [en] An irregularly shaped bone in front of the occipital bone in the base of the skull of the higher vertebrates; it is discribed as consisting of a central portion, or body, and six processes: two greater wings, two lesser wings and two pterygoid processes; it articulates with the occipital bone, frontal bone, ethmoid bone, and vomer, and with the paired temporal bone, parietal bone, zygomatic bone, palatine bone and sphenoidal concha bones hasPart pterygoid_hamulus adjacentTo sphenopalatine_foramen hasPart lesser_wing_of_sphenoid_bone hasPart interclinoid_taenia_variation hasPart pterygoid_process hasPart pterygospinous_process isPartOf sphenovomerine_suture hasPart pterygoid_canal hasPart vaginal_process_of_sphenoid forms anterior_cranial_fossa hasPart scaphoid_fossa hasPart body_of_sphenoid hasPart greater_wing_of_sphenoid_bone hasPart pterygoid_notch hasPart pterygoid_fossa isPartOf sphenozygomatic_suture isPartOf sphenomaxillary_suture isPartOf spheno-ethmoidal_suture forms middle_cranial_fossa