name spiral_ganglion namespace parent non_autonomic_ganglion ACC [] cy0007983 label [med] Ganglion spirale cochleae nameGermanSynonym [] comment [en] An elongated ganglion of bipolar sensory nerve cell bodies on the cochlear part of the vestibulocochlear nerve in the spiral canal of the modiolus label [en] spiral ganglion speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 60422 nameMedicineSynonym [] Ganglion cochleare label [de] Corti-Ganglion annotationRemark [] dka comment [de] entlang der Basis der Lamina spiralis ossea an der Schneckenachse gelegener, wendelförmiger Strang von Ganglienzellen, enthält die Zellleiber der afferenten Nervenfasern der Pars cochlearis des Nervus vestibulocochlearis nameEnglishSynonym [] ganglion of Corti locatedIn cochlear_duct hasCell bipolar_neuron isPartOf adult isPartOf