name spleen namespace parent secondary_lymphatic_organ parent part_of_abdomen label [de] Milz comment [en] An organ that produces lymphocytes, filters the blood, stores blood cells and destroys those that are aging; it is located on the left side of the abdomen between the stomach and the diaphragm, composed of white and red pulp, the white consists of lymphatic nodules and diffuse lymphatic tissue, the red consists of venous sinusoids between which are splenic cords; the stroma of both red and white pulp are reticular fibers and cells ACC [] cy0049557 speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 803 nameMedicineSynonym [] Lien label [en] spleen comment [de] in den Blutkreislauf eingeschaltetes sekundäres lymphatisches Organ, liegt im linken Oberbauch unter dem Zwerchfell, hat Abwehrfunktion und Blutspeicherfunktion, wird von einer mäßig derben Bindegewebskapsel umgeben, von der zahlreiche Gewebsbalken in das Organinnere, die Milzpulpa, einstrahlen, unterschieden werden die weiße Pulpa und die rote Pulpa label [med] Spleen isPartOf hasPart malpighian_body_of_spleen hasPart inferior_border_of_spleen adjacentTo rib_XI hasPart fibrous_capsule_of_spleen attachedTo phrenicosplenic_ligament isSuppliedBy splenic_artery isPartOf fetal isInnervatedBy splenic_plexus connectWith phrenicosplenic_ligament hasPart splenic_cords attachedTo gastrolienal_ligament adjacentTo rib_X isSuppliedBy trabecular_arteries hasPart gastric_impression_on_spleen hasPart splenic_pulp isSuppliedBy splenic_branches_of_splenic_artery isSuppliedBy splenic_vein isPartOf adjacentTo major_omentum hasPart diaphragmatic_surface_of_spleen adjacentTo kidney hasPart hilum_of_spleen hasPart sinusoid hasPart endothelium_of_splenic_sinus hasPart visceral_surface_of_spleen hasPart colic_impression_on_spleen adjacentTo left_flexure_of_colon hasPart trabeculae_of_spleen isPartOf adjacentTo pancreas hasPart accessory_spleen hasPart anterior_extremity_of_spleen hasPart malpighian_corpuscles_of_spleen adjacentTo stomach hasPart marginal_zone_of_spleen hasPart superior_border_of_spleen hasPart basal_lamina_of_splenic_sinus hasPart splenic_lymphoid_nodules adjacentTo diaphragm attachedTo phrenicocolic_ligament isSuppliedBy splenic_lymph_nodes adjacentTo rib_IX hasPart lymphoreticular_connective_tissue_of_spleen hasCell dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues_follicular hasCell dendritic_cell_in_lymphoid_tissues_interdigitierend hasCell hasPart fibrous_tunic_of_spleen hasPart serous_tunic_of_spleen hasPart renal_impression_on_spleen hasPart posterior_extremity_of_spleen