name splenius_cervicis_muscle namespace parent splenius_muscle nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0006855 nameMedicineSynonym [] Musculus splenius colli organNo [] 40021 label [med] Musculus splenius cervicis comment [de] Halsmuskel als Teil des spinotransversalen Systems der autochthonen Rückenmuskeln; Funktion: bei beidseitiger Kontration streckt der Muskel den Hals, bei einseitiger Kontraktion neigt er den Hals zur Seite. nameEnglishSynonym [] label [de] Halsteil des Riemenmuskels speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] A flat narrow muscle on each side of the back of the neck and the upper thoracic region; action: bilaterally they extend the neck, unilaterally it laterally flexes the neck. label [en] splenius cervicis muscle annotationRemark [] dka attachedToOrigin spinous_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_V attachedToApproach posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra_I attachedToOrigin spinous_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_IV attachedToApproach posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra_II isPartOf splenius_muscle attachedToApproach posterior_tubercle_of_cervical_vertebra_III attachedToOrigin spinous_process_of_thoracic_vertebra_III