name sternal_body namespace parent part_of_bone_of_sternum comment [de] der mittlere und größte Abschnitt des Brustbeins, wird begrenzt von dem kurzen und breiten Handgriff (Manubrium) und dem Schwertfortsatz (Processus xiphoideus), enthält rotes Knochenmark comment [en] The middle and largest portion of the sterrnum, lying between the manubrium superiorly and the xiphoid process inferiorly label [de] Brustbeinkörper organNo [] 22092 speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] corpus of sternum, body of sternum label [med] Corpus sterni ACC [] cy0002476 label [en] sternal body hasPart congential_sternal_fissure_variation isPartOf adult isPartOf manubriosternal_synchondrosis_variation isPartOf xiphosternal_synchondrosis isPartOf sternocostal_synchondrosis_I_VI_VII