name sternocleidomastoid_muscle namespace parent neck_muscle label [med] Musculus sternocleidomastoideus speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] Kopfnicker organNo [] 20781 ACC [] cy0001284 label [en] sternocleidomastoid muscle nameEnglishSynonym [] sternocleidomastoideus label [de] Kopfwender comment [en] A thick superficial muscle on each side that arises by one head from the first segment of the sternum and by a second from the inner part of the clavicle, that inserts into the mastoid process and occipital bone, and acts especially to bend, rotate, flex and extend the head comment [de] vorderer Halsmuskel, Ursprung: Brustbein, mediales Schlüsselbein; verbindet den Brustkorb mit dem Warzenfortsatz des Schläfenbeins, dreht den Kopf und neigt ihn nach vorne, ferner Heben des Schlüsselbeines und Brustkorbs (Atemhilfsmuskel) attachedToOrigin manubrium_of_sternum isInnervatedBy accessory_nerve_XI attachedToApproach mastoid_process