name sternohyoideus_muscle namespace parent infrahyoid_muscles label [med] Musculus sternohyoideus nameEnglishSynonym [] sternohyoid label [de] Halsmuskel speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0001094 organNo [] 20576 comment [de] Ursprung: Brustbein, Sternoklavikulargelenk, Schlüsselbein; Innervation: Ramus descendens nervi hypoglossi; Funktion: Feststellung und Herabziehen des Zungenbeins, ist am Schluckakt beteiligt, Atemhilfsmuskel comment [en] An infrahyoid muscle on each side of the midline that arises from the medial end of the clavicle and the first segment of the sternum, inserts into the body of the hyoid bone, and acts to depress the hyoid bone and the larynx label [en] sternohyoideus muscle attachedToOrigin sternoclavicular_joint attachedToOrigin manubrium_of_sternum attachedToApproach hyoid_bone isInnervatedBy hypoglossal_nerve_XII